19 twink warrior help!!!

Yea for 2H ima use the glacial stone (i just got it....assuming its BiS)? and for 1H ill use cruelbarb + sheilds
Kigatsuyaa said:
Yea for 2H ima use the glacial stone (i just got it....assuming its BiS)? and for 1H ill use cruelbarb + sheilds

Glacial Stone is BiS for dps and burst, however many like to use BoA axe since the stam on it is sweet. If you're human the exp on GS is nice too. CB and shields is the way to go.
Put fiery on GS for use against high armor targets and use BAR with sader against everything else. BiS changes situationally, make sure you are maxing items for their situational use.
Kore nametooshort said:
two other shields i use are blocking shield with 10 block rating for FCing and redbeards with spike for max spike damage while shield block is up

I have a kresh's back with 10 BR to max out avoidance and I just switch to my blocking shield for shield block, redbeards are cheap though so it's not a bad option.
hmmm with the 2h im at hit cap and i just feel like i don't do as much dmg as i assumed i would even with the 1h i do lots...am i doin something wrong? certain spell most ppl use?
Don't get 14 hit unless you want to do arena a lot and even then just roll around with 11 hit and keep 4 hit ring in bag, if you do arena put it on and you're hit capped. As Alliance, you won't be fighting Nelf's in WSG.
Good to hear, just reminding you. This thread has suddenly made me want to make a Warrior, haha. 2h warrior, 35% crit, 350 ap.
Your spec is the first problem I see, don't use 5/5 shield spec. Imp thunderclap and rend are much better places to spend those points. Don't use the BoA bow, thrown weapons are much better for blocking bandages and keeping people in combat. Use plate BoAs and a hit pot, with your racial you will be capped. HS isn't really a good use of rage as it prevents you from generating rage on your next attack, I almost never use it, nearly every other ability you have will be a better use of rage. I don't really have much else to add, I'm using an iPhone atm and can't see what enchant you have on your GS, but if you don't have a BAR it should be sader. Satchel belt will help somewhat as well.
LOL I just saw you in WSG.
Okay sorry guys I think I got it :) I have 4 hit ring in bags tryin to find a way to reach it WITHOUT using pots cause that is what I perfer lol...but I appreciate ALL the help!!!
He has Crusader on GS btw Riv.
I'm too lazy to look at the stat tradeoffs but spidersilk, simple pearl, and deviate scale belt are viable options for getting 11 hit. In all honesty though idc about hit in a pug and I have stacks of pots for premades, plus a set with 15 hit rating for arena.

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