I'm working on a full guide but here's a TL;DR for now
- A lot of their talents are playable compared to other classes, at least in PuGs.
- In PuGs, always 5/5 Wand Spec. This is the difference between you being bored to death doing nothing in a bad WSG matchup and at least being able to grab Zerker and do some O. You should never be Smiting — only wanding. Regens your mana while you DPS, and puts out 36.25 DPS — or 47.125 DPS with Zerker.
- 2/2 -70% Pushback is a must
- Other 3 points I move around depending on what I feel like doing.
-> Spirit Tap actually works in PvP, and Wand + Zerker makes for some fun combat regen memes because if you swap in Staff of the Friar you essentially regen to full (in combat!) over a few seconds while wanding.
-> I prefer 3/3 Imp Renew (+1 HP per tick per point) - this is actually worth exactly 6.5 Healing Power per point.
Here’s my Priest
1032 HP w/Fort
1030 Mana
+186 Healing (+30 more next patch)
52–53 HP ticks with 3/3 Imp Renew. 49-50 without.
57-58 HP ticks next phase.
+~265 HP for 65 mana (Renew)
+~160 HP for 30 mana (Renew Rank 1)
- Rank 1 Renew heals 60% more HP than base Rank 2 for less than half the mana!
Occasionally drop +16 Healing for +200 HP Librams vs Melee heavy BGs. This drops ticks to 49-50 w/Imp Renew - 46-47 without. 8 SP = 1.24HP/tick
This set turns 195 mana into an instant 176 HP shield followed by a 262 HP heal — every 15 seconds on repeat.
- "Immune" to dying to most damage due to negating an almost constant 30 HP per second. If they start dispel/purging just swap to Rank 1 to outlast them or just cast heal.
- Rogues are the only problem class 1v1. I'll end up OOM or Kicked/Gouged to death - every. time.
- Swap into Witching Stave for +40 damage DoTs followed by ~+10 damage Mind Blasts.
- 9 second PvP rotation: Equip SotBS > PW:S > Renew > Equip WS > SW: P > Mind Blast > SotF > Wanding / Repeat
- 438 HP healed, ~610 damage done.
- When renew drops to 3 seconds, equip SotBS and repeat.
- Generic weapon rotation - Twisted Chanter’s Staff (+22 Intellect) > Staff of the Blessed Seer (+55 Healing) > Staff of the Friar (+20 Spirit)
- The extra +31 Spirit adds 7.75 mana every 2 seconds while not casting (including while wanding).
- Run a Witching Stave (+30 Spell Power) to DoT and Mind Blast. 41 Shadow Damage adds 38-39 extra damage over the entire SW: P and adds ~10 damage to Mind Blast, which means 1 GCD is worth an extra 48 damage for 0 mana (and also means -1.5s on the 5SR).
- Renew improved by >150%
- Your normal 3 second (2.5 w/talents) Heal gives an additional 40% HP!
- Desperate prayer gives ~73 extra HP with the set.
Offensive Spirit Tap / Wand Spec
- Really good for controlling mid
- Witching Stave to DoT up the entire team
- Mind Blast off CD w/Witching Stave
- Swap into Friar Staff during downtime and start wanding
- +374.5 mana per Spirit Tap proc aka per Killing Blow
- Renews will still tick for 38-39.
- Very good for infinitely playing attrition in mid as long as you can steal KBs.
- Minor Recombobulators heal for 336-436 HP (it looks like a flat +186 HP due to the cooldown)!
I rarely
CAST any heals during objective based gameplay unless it's on the FC or myself. Most of my time spent standing is to wand or Mind Blast.
I very much recommend NOT skipping Witching Stave +30 SP and the Wand Spec. You will feel like a fish out of water during PuGs if you can't do any DPS. The staff adds over 10 DPS when swapping in, and Wand Spec adds a 7.25 constant DPS while attacking.
This is probably one of the most expensive 19 builds in the bracket.
Playing a mobile healing Priest feels like a totally different class since you usually only stop to DPS.