19 Twink Hall of Fame

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Congratulations to the following players on being inducted into the 19 twink Hall of Fame. Trying to keep it somewhat recent, with players from Cata and MoP for the most part. Not really any particular order.

This is not necessarily who is currently the best. All of these players shined at one period of time.

Open to any suggestions on players who belong in the 19 twink Hall of Fame. We will take a vote on any nominated players posted in this thread and they need a 75% vote to be inducted. As always, feel free to discuss.

Limited to only a few EU players, and those are players who spent a significant amount of time on US servers.


Painaid- Legendary FC. Greatest of all time, came back at the beginning of MoP to lead a promising <Thunder Tinks> guild but ended up being a disappointment because the guild died pretty quickly due to lack of activity

Restosexual- He can be very good if he decides to try. Otherwise he is just trolling people and throwing games. Regardless, he has the most colorful personality in the bracket. Funniest 13 year old kid ever.

Darkchewie- Pretty good FC, kind of took over the #1 druid FC after Painaid went inactive in Cata. Has some nice videos.


Agonist- Was pretty good in Cata and became the #1 hunter in MoP. Good at whatever class he plays. Does afk a lot but that doesn't change the fact that he can be a very game-changing player. Has some very nice vids as well.

Ezeron- Great hunter, was very good in cata and then went inactive. Came back into the scene in mid MoP and quickly established himself as a top hunter.

Discover- Very good hunter in Cata, kind of fell off in MoP.

Hass- Decent hunter, led a legendary guild in Cata that didn't get the glory it deserved. Funny guy, has a great forum personality and has some nice vids.

Erotk- Pug hero. Has queued solo day in and day out, is the best pug hunter.

Nvme- Top tier player, great in cata and decent in MoP, but he kind of seemed rusty. Had some great forum posts a year or two ago and the committee wishes he would start posting again.

Beau- Shitty attitude but he's always been a pretty good player. Kind of felt like a replica of Pizza when he was in WT during Cata.

Hajima- Not sure where this guy came from but he came into the scene in MoP and very quickly established himself as a top hunter

Xenaria- Very colorful personality and decent hunter. Wish he still played.


Slyddur- This guy may be the greatest rogue of all time. Kind of fell off in MoP due to rogues being pretty bad but he was a decent monk. Been around for the longest time, led a very strong <Noodle Arms> guild in Cata that was victim to the biggest dodge in 19 twink history. He led <Endorsed by Kujatax> in MoP and got to premade <Raw Talent> but it was a disaster.

Deathsstone- Great rogue in the arena, had a lot of fame in the past. Many may not know but he did play a decent amount in MoP.

Mocha- Great rogue and solid player at the other classes he plays. Very crafty rogue in Cata, and still good in MoP. Glad he finally got some premade action, but the guild he ended up playing for was probably the most unexpected in twink history. In the past he had always been anti-WT/GY farm and then he ends up premading for them.

Saxxon- Big name in the arena, best arena rogue currently. One of the biggest names in the 19 twink community.

Frantix- Very good rogue, did a great job as one of MGC's rogues. If you haven't seen him play, watch one of the MGC vs WT premade videos. Completely dominates WT's defense and gets several flag ninjas.

Ko- Has the fastest clicks period. No one can outclick him. This made him a very strong rogue in cata and he was one of the strongest BM monks in MoP.

Curley- Strongest rogue of MoP, up there with Ko for BM Monk. Very good instincts but has had more internet trouble than anyone else in the bracket. Was very disastrous in the WT vs TC premade but he has certainly redeemed himself by being very strong in premades as well as pugs in MoP. Not taken seriously by many because of his attitude but he is a very strong player.

Rural- Very good rogue, possibly one of the best that a lot of people don't know about. Pulls off unparalleled moves.

Workz- Decent rogue, did a great job in the TC vs WT premade.

Trilium- Hasn't exactly gotten as much spotlight as he deserves but he has always been a great rogue and proved in MoP that he is good at druid FCing as well.


Sneaky- Was always a good rogue and became a great WW monk in MoP and his passion for the class was amazing. It was unfortunate what happened to him though. First he was hacked multiple times by a ridiculous hacker that wouldn't give up. And then he passed away. R.I.P., Sneaky.


Uraflamer- Very average in Cata and stepped it up in MoP and became a really strong mage with very high damage output. Very scary when he 2 shots people with shatter. Huge troll with a big ego as well, whether it's in-game or on the forums.

Kitn- Very strong mage in Cata that led the legendary <tRain cOw> to a glorious victory over <Waw Tawent>. Kind of fell off in MoP. His ego can be annoying at times.

Lobstrosity- Very similar to Kitn without the TC part. Did a very good job as WT's mage in Cata. Wasn't as good at mage in MoP but was a very scary feral druid.


Wtbdispel- Biggest name in the Priest list, was very strong in Cata but seemed rusty in MoP. Very funny guy in general and has great forum posts.

Fortt- Very solid priest, did a good job as WT's priest, and later on for TC. Only saw him a few times in MoP. Seems like a nice guy.

Twiggi- A decent priest whose attittude can be annoying sometimes. The committee decided to let her in because she is actually attractive.

Bakked- Was average at the beginning of MoP and out of no where improved dramatically and found himself as the strongest priest of MoP.

Seley- Many of you may not know who this is, but it is Rance's healbot. Very strong healer, priest in Cata and RSham in MoP as Zeglyz. Made a hilarious thread where he posted a video and pointed out how many times Twiggi fucked up in a very short amount of time.

Maelstrom-Late addition, was kind of forgotten at first but he was a great priest in Cata but the main reason why he is here is because the committee likes his hair irl.


Idiote- Of all of the 19 twinks in the Hall of Fame, the committee has no doubt that Idiote is the greatest of them all.

Kancer- Has many haters but is a great paladin. The committee likes his attitude and thinks he can be pretty funny. Also went at it with Idiote multiple times.

Stubs- EU player, has proven that he is the best healer in the bracket.

Blurz- Was decent in Cata as TC's paladin, in mid MoP became a top paladin along with Stubs.

Pwntage- Very good player that hasn't been seen for a while. Most likely he won't come back, since he has said he doesn't have an interest for the game anymore and would rather stick to free games.

Silin- Gross. I personally did not vote for her, but others in the committee did. Decent paladin I guess.

Wapstur- Lol.


Dorigon- Revolutionized warlocks in Cata. Turned what many viewed as a weak class into an essential premade class. Very strong warlock in Cata and MoP and awesome on the forums.

Maineack- Similar to Dory, had crazy numbers in premades during Cata as warlock.

Slique- Solid at several classes but did a very impressive job as Cata warlock despite picking up the class pretty quickly.

Drayner- This should be obvious.

Youredead- Top warlock in MoP, gave Dory some competition for the #1 warlock spot.


Ghostfighter- Kek.

Sqooshi- Best warrior FC of MoP. Very funny guy as well, and led a lot of real-ID premades.

Casino- Very crafty FC, great in pugs.

Randylayhee- Very similar to Casino, I think they may be twins.

Rance- The best arms warrior of all time, although he always played with a healbot he would destroy people. There are several videos of him playing in MoP as Fisherololol.


Dasfizzla- The greatest shaman of Cata. Shamans got buffed in MoP resulting in many fotm rerollers playing the class but Dasfizzla proved he was the king and rose above them all.

Bam- Old school player that was very good in MoP.

Cannabis- Was in the shadows of Dasfizzla in Cata, okay in MoP. A lot of recognition for his premae experience pre-MoP.

Nicozy- Good EU player, pretty good at shaman.

Purj- I personally don't know much about this guy but someone suggested him in the thread and he passed the committee's 75% vote. It seems like he is currently in Underground so that is very iffy.


These are players who play multiple classes and it was hard to put them under one specific class.

Yowza- One of the best players no matter what class he plays.

Arkant- Strong at whatever class he plays and has to be the smartest guy in the bracket. Great guy to have on the forums.

Derv- Solid player and most famous for his posts on the forums. Nothing compares to a Derv post.

Nettiebay- Came into the scene in Cata as a very strong hunter. Very good on a wide variety of classes in MoP.

Flop- I think he is a little underrated, this is a guy who plays many different classes, very good at Priest, Shaman, and Paladin. Though it may not be his main class I think he is extremely good at Priest though I don't seem him play it as often.

Vianco- Has extremely high damage output and best at Boomkin and Mage. Very competitive with Pizza and I feel like sometimes Pizza breaks down from the pressure when playing against Vianco. He also leads a very strong <Tough Love> guild that dominates the EU servers and is very strong on US.

Pizza- Was the best hunter in Cata and top Boomkin in MoP alongside Vianco. Has led the biggest guilds over the years. Although he does have high damage output, what separates him from others is how he plays his class to the fullest. When needed, he can put out a lot of healing to the point that it feels like he is a healer. Can always be relied on to give you a rejuv even though he is a Boomkin. Also a very good FC, has capture a lot of flags despite being a Boomkin.

Dirtyauction- Legend of the past, was a great shaman and warrior. Came back in MoP and was well respected when he first came back. Then his attitude started to get the best of him and people viewed him as a joke. Regardless, he is a great paladin and solid rogue in MoP.

Revolution- Great mage in Cata and very strong shaman in MoP. Played very offensive and was very effective in the premade for AtW against RT with his tactic of Goblin Jumping into the other team to push.

Requesting for sticky but only after this thread dies.
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I guess it's about that time of month for this thread to pop up.
How is purj not under shaman? He may not be far above any of the shamans you did list. But none of those listed are above purj either.
I think joshy (Bam) should be added to the shaman list, came back after 2 YEARS without playing and still showed the shamans whats up and was killin it'

R.I.P bamtink (from the game)
Very little effort put in to this thread.


inc another list while the inactivty is at an all time high..possibly create a thread regarding the state of twinks and its activity next tooo :)

ps sweet flame account OP (rapgame<blank>)
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Arudno should be on the monk list. Obviously still needs some work done but other then that its entertaining.
Arudno should be on the monk list. Obviously still needs some work done but other then that its entertaining.

The committee thinks otherwise. As stated in the original post,

Limited to only a few EU players, and those are players who spent a significant amount of time on US servers.

Arudno, or Ondura as he is also known as, is originally from EU. Although he did spend some time on US servers the committee did not feel he made a big enough impact to be considered a member of the 19 Twink Hall of Fame, which is for US players and a select few players from EU. Regardless, he did not pass the 75% vote. Neither did Dazzlerazzle, but it was close. Keep in mind that this isn't another best of 19s list.

I understand why you say this though. It's expected that Tough Love's #1 fanboy would want to see as many players as possible from Tough Love in the 19 Twink Hall of Fame.

Also, congratulations to Purj and Bam for being inducted into the 19 Twink Hall of Fame.

inc another list while the inactivty is at an all time high..possibly create a thread regarding the state of twinks and its activity next tooo :)

ps sweet flame account OP (rapgame<blank>)

Wtf do you want, groupie?
The committee thinks otherwise. As stated in the original post,

Arudno, or Ondura as he is also known as, is originally from EU. Although he did spend some time on US servers the committee did not feel he made a big enough impact to be considered a member of the 19 Twink Hall of Fame, which is for US players and a select few players from EU. Regardless, he did not pass the 75% vote. Neither did Dazzlerazzle, but it was close. Keep in mind that this isn't another best of 19s list.

I understand why you say this though. It's expected that Tough Love's #1 fanboy would want to see as many players as possible from Tough Love in the 19 Twink Hall of Fame.

Also, congratulations to Purj and Bam for being inducted into the 19 Twink Hall of Fame.

Hang on second are you suggesting that because ondura didnt get a 75% whatever vote on some random thread he shouldnt be in "19 hall of fame" even tough love is like the highest rated guild in US atm.

IT kinda comes across (not saying you are) racist(?) cause he/the guild dont live the us? by all means i am far from a TL fan (recently had 3 of the fuckers gkicked from my guild) but IMO if you play on US you should have the same chance on being in any "top us" "US hall of fame" thread if you made an impact, as TL has done in US.

I am not "trolling" this thread as many many members of TI believe that expressing your opinion/disagreeing with some is classed "trolling", to save this thread from going topic i am more than welcome to discuss this matter in PM.

thank you.
I would like to petition for Pizza to be added to the hunter section of your hall of fame.

Otherwise, could we get short explanations of the hall members' accomplishments so that the twinks of future generations can look back upon their forebears with pride?
Get em', Junebug.

I would like to petition for Pizza to be added to the hunter section of your hall of fame.

Otherwise, could we get short explanations of the hall members' accomplishments so that the twinks of future generations can look back upon their forebears with pride?

Why would he include Pizza in the hunter section if he already included his name in the Druid section? Think, Dory.
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