US 19 tinks Remember When....

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Just got home. Going to log.
Do you think it's his premade or Phonebook's one ? you're making your usual amount of sense again here.

mate, i just cba explaining it to you. draw whatever conclusion you like, it's not like give a toss anyway.

FYI: i'm sticking you on ignore, unscrambling your gibberish is giving me headaches. o/
remember when +9 int on weapon was the best enchant
Walking out to the pvp vendors for gear.
Dalaran fall through alt f4 exp save
An addon that actually kept track of arena rating
When you could have engineering boots n cape
Different battlegroups
Remember when bgs popped at 2 o clock and you met random twinks from random servers?
Remember when Hardbass was Tesco ?
Remember when the French premaded on alliance ?
Remember when you all made up different set ups ( with gear ) ?
Remember back before wow became to easy and burst friendly ?
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