US 19 Screen Shot Thread

Here's an old shot I just found lingering around on my harddrive.. This is from back in 2008 some time.

40 Killing Blows
0 Deaths
92 Honorable Kills
18k Damage


  • WoWScrnShot_103107_174015.jpg
    380.1 KB · Views: 391
3,000 less posts than him and i still have more likes sync'd to my TI account from "unessecary" threads. As far back as 06 and 07 twinks knew me as a 19 entity that rapped and entertained the 19 bracket long before this superficial individual was even old enough to pick up a keyboard and project insecurities onto other people.

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3,000 less posts than him and i still have more likes sync'd to my TI account from "unessecary" threads. As far back as 06 and 07 twinks knew me as a 19 entity that rapped and entertained the 19 bracket long before this superficial individual was even old enough to pick up a keyboard and project insecurities onto other people.


Sorry if I'm missing something here mods but where in the CoC does it say you need to contribute positively? Are we just making up rules as we go? Most threads/posts don't positively contribute to the websites purpose at all( which I'm assuming to be information on twinks?)
^rofl i got an infraction for flaming someone that was slandering the 19 bracket in 19 section....

TI life

it aint fair
3,000 less posts than him and i still have more likes sync'd to my TI account from "unessecary" threads. As far back as 06 and 07 twinks knew me as a 19 entity that rapped and entertained the 19 bracket long before this superficial individual was even old enough to pick up a keyboard and project insecurities onto other people.


You also had all of your posts deleted last summer when you got permabanned..
eddit m8
whats with your gear setup saxxon is it bis?


its a gear setup that i really like, i find its the best setup arena-wise, though only rock LFH if you have it enchant with +3agi, the reason it makes it better than BoA hat is that you're opnly giving up 3 agi for another 6 stamina(i do not count the haste)

Credit to bone n yorky for the set
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its a gear setup that i really like, i find its the best setup arena-wise, though only rock LFH if you have it enchant with +3agi, the reason it makes it better than BoA hat is that you're opnly giving up 3 agi for another 6 stamina(i do not count the haste)

Credit to bone n yorky for the set

This set is amazing because you are still efficient and you are a juggernaut among other rogues.

its a gear setup that i really like, i find its the best setup arena-wise, though only rock LFH if you have it enchant with +3agi, the reason it makes it better than BoA hat is that you're opnly giving up 3 agi for another 6 stamina(i do not count the haste)

Credit to bone n yorky for the set

still BIS for combat rogues in arenas? I feel like 184 attackpower is kinda low to burst a healer in this bracket..

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