Want to learn a few more tips that might help you excel at your class or want to share some of your favourite tricks? Then this is the thread to do that.
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Now on with the tips!
Arathi Basin
Warsong Gulch
I will no longer be updating the first page of this thread, but take a browse and keep posting here.
I reserve the right to edit any tip posted for clarity or any other purpose without notifying the author
Now on with the tips!
- DUEL DUEL DUEL! - Even if it's an uncredibly unbalanced matchup you will learn what kind of behavior gives your opponents problems. You can then use this information to your advantage when you have a team around to make up for your class deficencies. - Rivfader
- Multiple Gear Sets.- Sure, it may be a tad expensive but in the long run it is well worth it. If your main set doesn't do the job, in example - Emergency FCing. A stamina set is easy to come by and not very expensive at all. If your a mage this could give your team the upper hand in a PuG due to the fact that you are CC'ing while running around with the flag. Just one example. - CIHC
- Knowing the jumps - What some people call terrain exploiting are another person's advantage. No one as far as I know as been banned in the old 10-19 and in the new 14-19 bracket just of these jumps. It perfecting these can mean the difference between a win and a loss. Painaid is a especially good example at that. - CIHC
- This was a useful video for me, some of the jumps don't exist anymore but there are some great ideas YouTube - Painaid 19 Twink Flag Carrying - rivalwild
- Use your cooldowns if you can. No point in having them if you dont use them. - Mnkey
- In terms of ethics, keep the emotes to your self. - Opinion
- be a leader. Don't shout at "baddies" or "n00bs".. it takes a good player to attempt to solo the efc. it takes a great player, to motivate the entire team to go as a group. theres no reason to shout at people in a PuG group.. (unless they are directly offensive, like, say, keybinding /laugh, or /spit to all your spells and mashing away..)
seriously, i know some players are worse than you, try to ohh i don't know, HELP them improve, instead of shouting (caps locking?) so much that you crush their reason to play the fricking bracket.. nobody starts OUT being a pro. - chÃ*ll - -Dont- be afraid to ask other players for advice and constructive criticism. Granted, this works a bit more on a forum site like this one, or with a guild. However; I've gotten the best advice from asking complete strangers how I could better my playstyle and class. - CIHC
- Always carry food and bandages as well, one runecloth bandage as a warrior FC (in example), can make or break you. Healing potions are another good way to get health back. - CIHC
- Engineering! You have no stuns, and depending on what spec you are, maybe 1 CC. I once beat an almost BiS feral druid on my crappy warrior by using a bomb. Learn to lead your enemy with your bombs so that you can have that extra head start towards the healing hut or an extra second that they arent doing damage to you. - Steamed
- Watch other players in Warsongs, especially those who are better than you. Some of the best players combine different playstyles of others to form their own. - Opinion
- Burst > Steady dps. Most classes can put up against steady dps but you need the burst to take them down quickly. - Dutchman
- If your PvP on your main and have engineering. You may want to pick up the schematic for [item]Discombobulator Ray[/item] which is available to engineers who do a series of tasks in Gnomeregan. For more information on how to get this wonderful item, this link.. - CIHC
- If your having trouble making a few gold for a certain twink item. Be ballsy and ask an 85 standing around Stormwind doing nothing for a few gold. I've done this on a few servers and the gold range I was given was anywhere from 5g to 100g! That is -more- than enough gold to start playing the Auction House to make money. Making a Death Knight and getting him/her out of the starting zone should leave you with roughly 20g as well. If your still looking for money, consider selling runs through instances on your main / higher level character, pick up money making professions (I find Scription and Herbalism to be the best, but the most time consuming to level as well). - CIHC
Arathi Basin
- keep a couple of engineering bombs with you, when playing AB. (if you can, EZ thro works..) try to get ones with the widest range as ´possible. there is a profound lack of spammable AoE abilities in this bracket, so if people are just, clustering up on your flag, it may be effective to interrupt their attemps to take it, all at once, with one of these. - chÃ*ll
- In AB, if you JUST captured a node via zerg or it is your third node captured, expect a HARD switch from the enemy to any of the other two. - Opinion
- In AB, don't fight in the road like a retard, or capture a node and leave it without a defender. - Opinion
- Here's a debatable point: it's good for 1-2 guys to fight on roads (or near GY in WSG) if it ties up 4-6 opponents. More of your team available to focus on objective. Obvious answer is that this strategy won't work against smart, objective-oriented opponents. - Sharper
Warsong Gulch
- In PUGs, if my FC is approaching tunnel and it looks like we'll cap, I'll head to opponents' flag spawn point in order to insta-pick. Often, you can get a second cap before the opponents have had time to re-group. - Sharper
- If my team is up and wants to turtle out the last several minutes, I say keep at least one or two guys going for opponents' flag. This serves as a distraction and prevents the entire opposing force from concentrating on O. - Sharper
- Flag Carrier - Don't be an hero, always stay with at-least one person, even if it isn't a healer so they can pick the flag back up then you die. Learning the jumps does mean the difference between life and death sometimes. If you want to practice these jumps, make a level 10 (insert your class here) enchant your boots with minor speed and stack stamina so you don't die as fast. - CIHC
- Also when a melee class is on you, you can jump off building above aliance tunnel, jump turn midair and rocket jump on the lower level of it. - Dutchman
- ooh! Goblin tip, you can jump off roof, turn midair rocketjump and land on 2nd floor, fakes alot of people out - Grizzlefoot
- Here's that druid power shift macro:
/cast [nomod,form:4] !Travel Form; [nomod,form:3] !Cat Form; [nomod,form:1] !bear form; travel form - Tendron
- The powershift macro will, with a single button press, cancel your current form (if any) and instantly reapply it. If you are not in any form it will put you into Travel Form. If you have any mod key pressed it will shift you into Travel Form regardless of current form. - Kore nametooshort
- Always keep a rejuvenation up to HoT any surprise damage - Opinion
- When in range of a hunter and being hit with a concussive shot you can sometimes hear the incoming shot. As it hits you switch forms in midair and back to not slow down and remove the snare - Opinion
- Thorns, thorns, thorns. I don't know how many times as an FC, DPS, and Healer that I have had a rogue or warrior on me that are tunnel visioned. Thorns hit incredibly hard and often in duels where I kite, I win only using thorns if the opponent isn't smart - Opinion
- Just as you arrive at the scene of battle in the FR or in Midfield, toss a Rejuv or two on your teammates to keep them up. You're not in melee range yet so why not help them out. - Opinion
- Tip for Druids of all specs: You have healing spells... Use them for crying out loud! Although they are not very powerful, it could make the difference between life and death for one of your teammates or yourself. Also, try to be cognizant of what you can be doing to be most effective, as you have many uses; you can (as balance/feral) keep pumping damage into your opponent or stop for a sec and heal/root people. Example: if you are on offense and are making no headway into returning your flag, throw on a healing set and try to keep your teammates alive until more help arrives. - Khanodruid
- Here's a Druid tip for Ferals: There's a lot of debate about what's better to stack on your wep and gloves: Agility or Haste. Haste DOES produce more damage after a while. You are hitting more often but each hit hits for less, and any healer with a brain can heal through small hits. A healer cannot however heal through a lot of damage in a short amount of time. So if you pick agility, the 40 agility from those two slots will grant a lot more crit. Anyone care to elaborate on this? Agree/disagree? - Khanodruid
- Druid: I have experimented with haste as well, but I'm not a huge fan of faster attacks/energy regen then AP, crit and so on. - tryiapriest3
- As feral, the 40 agility between the gloves and 2h weapon is a far better choice because of the armor, attack power, dodge, critical strike rating. The haste is however very interesting and I have tried it before. - Opinion
- I disagree. While it is very true that burst is superior in pvp because it is harder to react to I prefer haste over agility on my feral, usually. This is because ferals don't have too much burst to speak of. That isn't to say that agility isn't viable or good, because it is, but i prefer to have more haste to get more predatory strike procs to help control the field than to boost my dubious burst. - Kore
- Ferals, rake is your best friend, if you're looking to put pressure on healers and players, rake each target as they frequently crit for 200+ a tick. - Opinion
- You are the fastest class in the Gulch. Use this to your advantage and stay along the edges of the map to avoid unnecessary combat (with flag) or stealth - Opinion
- When indoors (as feral), you are also the fastest indoor class, stay in cat form as long as possible to take advantage of that 30% speed bonus from talents and pick up that flag! - Opinion
- If you have melee pressure with or without the flag and are on the horde side of the map, just beyond the GY, jump up onto the elevated saw between the stumps and continue your run. This forces three situations, two of which are desirable, they fail the jump, they run around wasting time, or they are focused and are forced to make the jump - Opinion
- Hunters have multiple interrupts if you know how to macro. Using them wisely will make you impossible to kill and help your team down those healers with ease. - Pilgrim
- the alliance tunnel glitch: around halfways up the tunnel, there is a sort of dent in the right-hand side of the tunnel wall. (right hand comming from midfield). its possible, to aim your blink in such a way, so that you will actually fall underneath WSG and get killed. (i've also heard stories about people not dying, and being able to run around down there w\ the flag
) this might not be ultra-useful, i've only ever used it twice myself, once because i was out of food, out of bandages, @ 100HP and had 3 lock dots on me, but i'd be damned if i was going to let him get the killing blow. the other time, was when my team mates was in position for a repick, and i deemed myself unable to outrun that hunter/rogue behind me.. (after you die, the flag will ofc be reset @ the base.) - chÃ*ll
- next: the blink-fall damage trick. this is more common knowledge, but apparently, some people don't know this, so i'll write it up. with the loss of slowfall, this is becomming ever more useful. if you jump off a place, that would normally make you take fall dmg, you can blink a few yards over the ground, completely negating the fall damage. takes some practice to aim, because if you pop it too early, it'll "reset" your fall, basically making you fall the same distance once more, taking the damage still, but yeah.. its useful..
- You can use this in Arathi Basin to travel from LM-bs, and bs-mine. chÃ*ll
- if you find yourself farmed by hunters, heres how i usually cross those GY farming mofos..
step 1, aim your jump a little. you need your jump to land as CLOSE to the healhut as possible. (using the blink-falling trick ofc.) run in the healhut if alliance, if not, try to LoS the hunter, then, as soon as he gets the first shot in on you, (for alliance, when he enters the hut, freeze, run out (LoS ASAP), and blink the **** away.. i cannot BELIEVE how many times i've done this, and had people make a char on my server, going "omfgmagesareOPLMAO u littel n00b u run liek a fagget", but yeah, L2pop trinket, wannabes. - chÃ*ll - THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR AS A MAGE: blink-traps: blink traps are places that appears to be "flat terrain", but is really impossible to blink over, due to raised bumps in the ground, or other such object blocking your path. i'm especially talking about blinking inside/outside both tunnels, it wont work.,. (sometimes it do, but like, 98% of the times, you'll just reset in the same location..) so save the blink untill you step off the "porch" (what do you call it? x) ) - chÃ*ll
- untill you really learn how to work it, keep your pet on passive. its so EASY to range the pet, and suddenly, you can't use its nova, and it'll get you killed into tiiiiiiny little pieces. - chÃ*ll
- always consider what your main spec will be when choosing race, if you want full efficiency. (i know this is Biased, since i myself is a gnome, and it really isn't the best choice for arcane, but it was when i made the char, and i cba to race change with the way pugs go these days..) - chÃ*ll
- remember, in a way, you're the most squishy class in the bracket, once your CC is gone, you're basically an honor kill that stings a little.. even locks have better SELF HEALING, w\ drain life.. you have your CC, sure thing, but NO survivability abilities. (unless, ofc, you count lifeblood/bandaids/gift of the naruu and stuff..) - chÃ*ll
- another little hint that works wonders when downing an EFC. you will often see me frantically spamming my diminishing returns of polymorph, on a healing class that is being attacked by my friends, i'm NOT "playing" with him, by trying to heal him to full HP. (people have flamed me for it, btw, so be careful.) spam sheep, and you will interrupt all attempts to pop a flash of light. i usually work an EFC like this: pop 1 poly on the efc, then his other healer when it breaks. (its important to try to get as many diminishing CD's dished out..) Frost nova + LoS'ing his other healers work wonders, especially if you play arcane, because an efc cannot dip low in HP ever, because as soon as he goes down below 50%, BOOM, imp. CS, headshot. - chÃ*ll
- When in a jumping off the horde 3rd story roof, your pet will jump onto the second floor with you but won't follow you down to the ground floor. I've had alot of situations when following the EFC where I can't nova because my pet is still going around the wall. If you can try to use your Nova when you're still on the second floor roof then Jump down. - rivalwild
- It's better to waste pet nova on a big grup of players far away from you than to save it. Use it when you can (don't worry about being sparing, it's only a short c/d - unless you have a good reason) - rivalwild
- At the start of each match I try grab the speed boots and go down the tunnel, you can jump off the first hill (if you're alliance) and gain more ground with the speed still boosting your jump. As a mage, blink as far and fast as you can- if you do this effectively, you will appear in front of the horde tunnel just as the horde are running past. Pet nova as many of the horde as you can. This will increase the chance alliance have for getting the first cap because the horde team will be split up (this is assuming you aren't fighting against a horde team expecting something like this, or a dumb alliance team who don't stick together) Worth remembering for the starts of games. - rivalwild
- I have both my frostbolt and lifeblood on one macro. This means you have less control over when you use it, but I find I use it much more often (That handy lifeblood every two mins will save your life more than clicking two buttons- I promise) the only problem with this setup is you usually miss out on those handy lifeblood + pollys. It's your choice really - rivalwild
- Always drop the flag if there is a viable FC running with you. Use your better judgement though, mages can be handy blinkers. - rivalwild
- It's not worth sheeping hunters in mid when they're attacking you 95% of the time. It's a waste of casting time, always go for the nova/ ranged nova, nova the pet then blink and hope for the best. - rivalwild
- Macro your melee attack to all of your abilities (Except nova + polly of course) - rivalwild
- Macro your pet's waterbolt to your Frostnova - rivalwild
- In the alliance base while defending: Go to the 3rd floor ramp and stand half way up the hill. Nova any enemies that come. If there are two people with you or only one attacker, start attacking the person you Nova'd. If not, I usually run back and tell the FC there is incoming Horde. (this is amazing when there is a healer + two fmages on D). - rivalwild
- If you're FCing alone on the roof and there are enemies coming, jump down to the second floor then down into your tunnel and back onto the Alliance 3rd floor ramp (that ramp is a mages best defence) - rivalwild
- Mages should not blink across mid, rogues like to wait for you to use blink then open on you leaving you helpless. Also saving blink when fighting paladins is a good way to get out of there stun, it can save you a trinket. - Pilgrim
- I disagree, I think blinking across mid is an efficient way of moving across the field, do it as much as possible. Sure a rogue can apply more pressure when blink is on C/d but that's what two novas and imp CoC are for.
The only situation where I would agree with you is if you are running down mid and you see a rogue stealth ahead of your path. I usually try and pet nova where the rogue stealthed strait away if it's in distance - rivalwild
- I disagree, I think blinking across mid is an efficient way of moving across the field, do it as much as possible. Sure a rogue can apply more pressure when blink is on C/d but that's what two novas and imp CoC are for.
- If your a paladin and know you can take more damage dont feel bad about tanking a few enemys by spamming flash of light. If done correctly you can free up a lot of you teammates to kill at will. - Pilgrim
- Rogue: Play utility, save shadowstep for critical moments(usually kicks on secondary targets, aka healers) - Evade
- use focus macros. When you open, if you don't get a waylay proc, do a backstab, if the slow is needed. - Evade
- use efficent keybinds(don't be a loldifferentplaystyle dumbass) - Evade
- When in mid pursuing efc, It is usually best to sit on healers(notably priests) - Evade
- don't get fake casted, it is pretty easy to learn habits of some players easily. - Evade
- When using kick, don't always kick it at ~70%, switch it about. - Evade
- If the heal isn't critical, then don't bother using kick - Evade
- use weaponswitch macros to use backstab efficiently - Evade
- don't open without a set goal in mind(go for an efc kill, finish off a critically endangered player, or sit on healers) - Evade
- Rogues should save Shadowstep until after they have opened on their target. They cannot see you coming stealthed and it gives you a way to catch up to them after your initial opener. - Pilgrim
- Sapping people moving through mid is annoying, but it can give you a slight edge if you wait for a partner to help you kill that annoying FC or healer. - Pilgrim
- Also as a rogue never sap a target with a DOT!
unless that can help you catch up to them - curleypwnsu
- When on a rogue if you can open without using a sap do it. The sap will just gimp you later because it will lower the duration of your gouge. This can mean less bandage ticks or making it harder to get a restealth - Dutchman
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