19 Fire Mage info

This is to anyone who is interested in making a 19 twink fire mage or is trying to learn survival stratedgy in bg's. I am Hellheat of <Commanding Presence> Anvilmar, and i would like to share some things i've learned over this time. As a fire mage, it is very useful to stretch your HP as much as possible in order to remove the "glass" from "glass cannon". If you can get low hp out of the way of your destruction, you've got the best of both worlds (damage and survivability).


-Arena Grand Master - Trinket (Gurubashi Arena Event)

-Toughness - Passive Ability (Mining)

-Fishing Hat - Head (Fishing Contest)

-Furbolg Medicine Pouch - Held-In-Offhand (Vendor)

-Greater Stamina - Boots (Enchant) *As apposed to Minor Speed*


The gear / talent tree listed above is what i strongly recommend for the best results of a Fire Spelldamage build mage. 220-260 non-crit fireballs. 370-400 crit fireballs. Those unbuffed hits combined with lots of hp are no fun to be around when you are the opposing player.. Now, some say the only reason to make a mage twink would be for cc purposes. I disagree, as i can not only release extreme damage in short amounts of time (i have taken a 1.3k paly down to his death in 5 seconds and counting with two 2.5sec cast fireballs and instant fireblast. Extreme vulnerability debuff involved), but can also do every ability a frost mage can do, including: frostbolt, frost nova, polymorph, frostbite (talent 3/3), frost armor and all the chilling effects. I have found being a fire spelldmg built mage is very fun once gotten used to.

Fighting 1v1:

Warlock: a tricky yet very beatable apponent due to equivalent armor type, a warlock will lay down the dots (dmg over time) while you start off with fireball/fireblast combo or a polymorph for more preparation time. Before you know it, you will be feared away with dots ticking your life away along with shadow bolt/drain life. Use the abilities or the trinket that you have to break out of the fear. USE YOUR REMOVE CURSE. this will take off one of the few dots that are on you. you will notice that the warlock's damage is not a burst of instant damage like your own, but different spells that cause your life to drain over time. your fireball/ fireblast is more affective in the seconds used, than 3 dots are. between a mage and warlock twink, it boils down to the time spent casting and the time spent cc'd.. If the warlock is standing still, use flamestrike. Use anything to put out more damage before you are carried away to your grave by fear spam and dots.

Warrior: Warrior = Hard Armor. Mage = Cloth.. A suggested stratedgy is using polymorph before frostnova, and slammin down a quick flamestrike/ frostbolt before you are being attacked again. As the warrior is almost near you, frost nova, run 20 yds away, and throw fireballs/ fire blasts. You should be ok as long as you have the skill to keep a kite going. It does take practice.

Shaman: Sheep the shaman, toss the totems.. Earth Shock is a real pain here. Use the knowledge you have to take the shaman out. The stratedgy is very similar to fighting a warlock. Try out different things while fighting a shaman. Again, a tricky class with additional heals.

Rogue: Rogues are an anti-caster, meele class that use many different abilities created to anihilate casters. When you are fighting a rogue, it is rare that you get the first shot unless the rogue is caught by surprise. So be ready for a rogue at all times in bg's. Frost nova as you are struck by a rogue, if your frostbite does not take effect, run far away until one step from out-of-range, then frostbolt. This is where the kiting skill takes place. Do not be upset if it seems you can not beat rogues. It takes practice, as it does to beat any other class.

Hunter: DANGER! this is the dropping point usually for you. A hunter is the deadliest opponent of all because of the extreme dps that outranges the level of the hunter. Attempt to polymorph the pet first (pet resists somewhere around 70% of cc spells), which can take up to 5 failed attempts, if you succeed, run to the hunter and frost nova. Get just out of range of ranged attacks while being out of meele range (a little tricky, but you get the hang of it) and give it your all. Don't sweat a loss to a hunter. It is normal.

Paladin: the class with many, many lives.. Heals, Divine Protection (splits damage taken in half), bubble, lay on hands, and more if they pursue the extra abilities.. This takes much skill and patience to win. Combine some of the above strategies to slay this beast, kiting being a main source.

Priest: This class, in most cases, is strictly used for healing purposes. you will not normally be fighting one lone priest. If you happen to do so, fireball/fireblast and polymorph to interrupt the heals (it does not always matter if dots are on the person you want to sheep. It can be used for distraction purposes and interruption). The priest bubbles are weak to a firedamage built mage. One fireball and bye bye bubble. But also, bye bye that mana used.


any further questions just talk to me ingame.. :cool:
druid : no

shaman : no

hunter : no

paladin : no

priest : no

warlock : maybe

mage : yes

warrior yes

rogue : yes

mages are probually the worst class for 1v1 . and being a "glass canon / fire mage" dosent help it . cause with ur low health and mana ur simply screwed . fire mages / glass canons works werry well in wsg for fun . but when it comes to arena or srs 1v1 figths . it aint gonna happen.

for example : priest , shamans , druids , paladins . can easyly out heal ur dmg to ur oom . and its a gg .

and imo , some of that " info / tactics " im gonna have to disagree on . laik . why would u ever use flamestrike against a warrior ? . =s

dont rly get the pouch thingy either , if u want stam . go with a cc set ;>

and spells arent effected by armor btw .
Seems like your character has an extremly low amount of health and mana, I don't know if you would be able to last after killing just 2 people.
well what you've both said might sound reasonable right. but you take 2 people with 800 hp and put em against me, theyre dead with half my mana left. then i run to healing hut. what im saying is, i have made my fire mage able to blow people up before they can even get to me sometimes. i have water on standby. i am never below 3rd place in bg's. 1st most often. but ya know, i made this post to help out people interested in fire mage twinking. i already find it frusterating how people say twink fire mages don't last in bg's when, if you came into my BG, you would think otherwise. people have talked a lot of trash on me and then shut up and appologized because they went in a bg with me. Now, im not glorifying myself, i am defending my position as a fire mage. Think about the facts of WSG added to the facts of my character. Healhut + Team Group-ups + 1,023 mana (which isn't shown on armory because it's from Arcane Intellect) + 400 fire ball crits/250 hits + 1,072 hp..
to answer your question, "why would you ever flamestrike a warrior?", flamestrike is often neglected by most mages in this bracket and it comes into good use in a lot of situations in bgs. It is not only a big instant dmg dealer to anyone in it's range, but it also gives a DOT. Very good for big crowds and a lot of situations during 1v1.
almost not bothered to discuss this . cause ppl have diff views on things and thats about it . if u wanna wast ur mana on a "DOT" in a 1v1 against a warrior . be my guest . but i dont see why u wouldent be casting a fireball and then a rank 1 frost bolt right after to get the kiteing going . and about WSG , killing 2 x 800 healthed players aiiiiiiiint that mutch big of a deal , sheep 1 , keeeeel oder target gg , if u can take down 2 x 1200 healthed players at once ill be impressed. and about wsg , any1 can really survive in a group. and ill live about the druid part . cant do shit about them anyways .
Just my two cents inc.

First I have a perfect fire mage and have played a mage since one month after wow came out. That being said.. fire mages at 19... are for fun. You can not hope to premade with one.. and you can not hope to serve utility purposes with once. Now, it is very possible (with the right 2s) for you to do some arena with one. Essentially you are playing with a CC mage spec, but with fire damage gear. This means two things. First, you have to be very good with drinking and keeping your mana up. You WILL go oom fast if you do not have a good notion of mana efficiency. Second, you have to have very good CC skills. You cant get away with a missed frost bolt or a stop casted one if you are in a fire set.

Against hunters it is very possible to win if you are very lucky and very good. Essentially you sheep the hunter first. (If you waste 5 sheeps on a hunters pet you are an idiot) Then LoS and start burning the pet. At this point you wont have much health left (in fact some mages AGM here to ensure that they have a decent amount of hp) but regardless you have killed the pet. Now you have to hit a r1 at the hunter and keep LoSing and nova him in place when he intersects with you. At this point you are very close to resetting the duel. Kite him just a bit further and then sheep him. This one should be timed to be a 9 sec sheep. Now you can bandage or get away LoS and wait out the dot if there is one on you and then bandage. Now you have a hunter sin pet. At this point its a matter of making him go OOM. Most hunters wont have an OOM stick or know how to use one correctly. Those that do, wont fall for this method anyway. But regardless, now you are going to use fireballs/wands/fireblasts to whittle the hunter down. You will need to bandage quite a bit. A strategy I use is putting a fireball in a hunter, getting close to a point where I can LoS and then sheeping the hunter. The fireball breaks the tick but I get time to get a two or three tick off. Then I immediately ensure that I am AMing or getting close enough to block their two tick. At this point its just a matter of you getting lucky/who screws up. This (imo) is the only way you have a chance to beat a hunter.
funny thing actually, just today i was messin with 3 twinks for a while. kitin them and chasin them around while i would turn around and throw fire at em. ended up killin 2 with the 3rd guy (rogue) frozen next to me. first game i went in today, doubled every1s dmg, 1st on chart. and was only one in game not to die. these were twinks i was facing. Also about the premades, i premade with my guild all the time and i am assigned to be a flag returner while the rest of the team gets flag. If you perfect the way you play a fire mage twink, its the most fun of all twinks ive made. People CAN keep talking false information on what they've HEARD to be true, if they want to keep kidding themselves. I'm not appreciating all this comin in here and saying fire mages don't work, when the whole point of this post was to help people out who want to try somethin new and exciting to play in 19 twink bgs with. I have a lot of experience with twinks and know exactly what i am talking about, so i do not need MORE nonsense about how the class i love and have found to be incredibly powerful, does not work..
Premade means scheduled 10v10 against another guild, not just grouping up and rolling pugs.
Ertai said:
Premade means scheduled 10v10 against another guild, not just grouping up and rolling pugs.

A premade is a previously set up team of people from your server/ guild going into a BG. A premade normally consists of 4-10 people all on ventrilo/wow voice chat. Premades are made with the intention of joining a bg thats opposing team is not as organized. 10v10 is a different topic which my guild and I have been involved with.
PROTIP: Premades aren't just done by twinks!
I always thought it would be fun to roll a fire mage.
hellheat said:
A premade is a previously set up team of people from your server/ guild going into a BG. A premade normally consists of 4-10 people all on ventrilo/wow voice chat. Premades are made with the intention of joining a bg thats opposing team is not as organized. 10v10 is a different topic which my guild and I have been involved with.

gotta say hes right here. even if us all twinks call it premade, its basically an idea that was very nice when cross-server bg's came pre-tbc. gather a few people from trade/guild, tell them the tactic, and hope the other team isnt a premade.

when i did premades with my guild pretbc at 60, we even had a scout joining before everyone else, check if the enemies were also a premade or not. if they were, we probably didnt join that game. EZ HONOR ANYONE?
i know how to play fire mage . so its not like u need to tell me what to do and what not to . i guess ppl got diff way to play them , and if that way u play them works for u . then go for it . im just disagreeing with it , and kiteing aint that mutch of a deal tbh , if u dont know how to kite u probually souldent be playing a mage imo. hav fun ,. out of this discussion...
Okay. In the context of twinking premade generally means a 10v10 in another guild. I have joined on a lvl 12 druid in a guild premade before.. and we won and I was top healer. Why? I was the only healer... Does that mean that I should tell everyone to roll a druid in all whites and they too can be effective and top healer? No.... You will not be able to use a fire mage in a premade vs a guild. Its not possible. Why? You have to cast. No one is going to sit there and let you chaincast fireballs.
Firemages work and very well actully, especially in arena if played correctly. In BG they wreck with damage and id played correctly leave with no deaths.

LFG Firemage?


My 2v2 Partner.

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