19 Fire Mage info


Hey, Im currently Making a Twink 19 Mage

As they seem like fun :p

want a change from Healers....and cant bring myself to make a rogue or Hunter..... as soon it will be 10 hunters v 10 Rogues in Twinks BGS ..and that makes me sad.

I am completely undecided on which way to go ..i guess survivability is the key ...you cant do damage if your dead :p ...but the idea of the glass cannon does seem fun :)

Ive kinda done out some numbers and come up with 3 different types of builds

and this is what i came up with stats wise. (leaving out AGM and fishing hat and furlbog pouch for the moment as they can take a while to get.)

A cookie cutter build ... with reasonable HP-1010 Mana-1065 SP-88

A more mana orientated build HP-790 Mana-1455 SP-76


A Glass cannon with HP-740 Mana-945 SP-144

these stats would change slightly as i got AGMs/Hat and Pouch

well the stamina would go up anyway :)

My mage is only lvl 10 and im about to start self boosting myself to get gear

just wondering which of these builds would be closest to what i should be looking for , so i know what gear to focus on getting first .

Idealy i would like to get all 3 :p
The Ideal mage set is cookie cutter. You can look Thermal from Bloodhoof up for a pretty good version. Ideally you do decent damage, have decent survivability and you dont go OOM fast. I prefer to have 3 sets I use, along with a few others that I dont. CC/Fire/Stamina


The important part is that his guide not only isnt good, its very misleading. Note that most of the people answering this thread have mages or mainly play mage. (I know germs and I do.)

Thanks for the info

Ill work on the cookie cutter first so ... as my main build and colect the others as i go ...

Thanks for the armory link will base my build and gear roughly on this so and see how i get on thank you.
Evocate said:
The Ideal mage set is cookie cutter. You can look Thermal from Bloodhoof up for a pretty good version. Ideally you do decent damage, have decent survivability and you dont go OOM fast. I prefer to have 3 sets I use, along with a few others that I dont. CC/Fire/Stamina


The important part is that his guide not only isnt good, its very misleading. Note that most of the people answering this thread have mages or mainly play mage. (I know germs and I do.)

Just playing the Devil's advocate here but who's to say that he didn't find out how to play one well?
Druidira said:
Thanks for the info

Ill work on the cookie cutter first so ... as my main build and colect the others as i go ...

Thanks for the armory link will base my build and gear roughly on this so and see how i get on thank you.

My mage

I logged out in my SP set. You didn't mention what race you were going, but judging by your other twinks I would assume Alliance.

For DPS/SP there isn't anything I would gear differently than what I have on (or I would have it). If you want true glass cannon max SP there are legs and belt with just SP, as well as many pieces "of Fiery Wrath."

As far as spec goes for DPS I would only be speculating, but I would think something like 5/5 Imp. Fireball 2/2 Imp Fireblast 3/5 Ignite? I really have no idea.
KillLarryDead said:
Wow. He comes and post a pretty good guide and everyone is a dick to him. Just cause he isn't playing an easy class means he deserves to be talked down to?

Ok, guys... :rolleyes:

Wow. He comes and post a pretty good guide and everyone is a dick to him. Just cause he isn't playing an easy class means he deserves to be talked down to?

First of the guides not good. He practically says that stamina gives you hp, hp is good. In a fight kite. Thats it.

A spec being unviable doesnt mean its hard spec, it means its unviable. If someone writes something stupid he should be told that hes an idiot. Thats how you learn.

Telling someone his guide is good when its clearly not does not mean your a dick. Its no good for anyone if there is no criticism. This kind of forums should exist to allow constructive discussion about different sides of twinking, not to appraise every single idiotism someone feels like writing.
I am a fan of that guy.

Btw you didnt play the devils advocate. I said his guide was terrible and you said he might have learned to play his mage well. That didnt contradict anything I said. Sometimes the best researchers/doctors do not make the best teachers. He didnt write a good guide, regardless of his playing. His epeen posting of top dmg in a 1 hour bg, however, convinced me that he wasnt all that good either.
Ok, so I read the entire thread and I kind of agree with what was said earlier by someone else, not going to bother quoting, why? Because Im lazy. Lol.

If he specced frost, was horde, and had a semi stat / spell dmg set, he could do decently in a premade, but only if he was EXTREAMLY good at playing a mage.

I would personally go something like.. (Very Rough Draft Gear List)

Head: LFH

Neck: Thick Bronze

Shoulders: Talbar / BOA

Cloak: Spidersilk Drape +10 SR

Chest: Inferno Robe +4 Stats

Gloves: Gold Flecked +16 Spell

Bracers: Crystalline Cuffs +15 Spell Power

Belt: Kellers Girdle

Legs: Darkweave

Boots: Spidersilk Boots

Ring: Seal of Sylvanas

Ring: Blood Ring

Trinket: AGM

Trinket: AGM

Weapon: Dawnblade +22 Int

Offhand: Med Pouch

This would throw him decent hp and mana and roughly 65 spell power, this could work, but its iffy imho.

Just my two cents.
I would like to start by saying, "The guide isn't complete trash, but it is very inaccurate".

Also, I believe a "pure damage" (fire in this case) mage is a big joke at 19, but that dosn't mean you can't lean away from "Pure CC/Stats" and still be a viable twink. In your screen shot (the first one) you did over 1Kdps a minute (which is the MINIMUM to be concidered viable IMO), but you MUST bring your classes utility, and be able to keep up your DPS AND CC or you need to go full CC. I mean I spec my Druid Balance, grab a moonfire glyph, and go full SP sometime for fun, but I don't post guides on how to build a viable balance druid at 19.

I would like to mention that I too am interested in your video. Perhaps some footage of you putting out DPS in a WSG to start...followed by respectable 1 v 1's vs each class, and conclude with you posting your spec/glyphs/gear/rotations and any tips you way want to share.
dunno why you guys are riding him, even if it isnt a good guide, although i dont think it was intended as a "guide", just tips for people wanting to make a fire mage.

i played a fire mage back in the day in 19s and is a really hard class to learn to play, i give him respect just for his epeen screenies, kinda showing off a bit, but hey, if he could do that with 0 deaths he can't be that bad.
19 fire mage

I personally dont see a Pure Fire mage viable in 19s. For one alot of the time your target will be dead b4 you can finish casting 1st fireball let alone 2.

IMO 19 mages are Frost/CC. If geared and skilled enough can even become a viable FC
Ok.. i am completely enraged by all this bullshit.. im done with this thread.. i was only giving some tips to people that are workin on a fire mage. being a fire mage takes such incredible skill its unbelievable. if some people would get their heads out of their asses and understand this is NOT A GOD DAMN GUIDE!! this is apparently a site full of very unskilled and unknowledgable twinks who have not been bging enough with enough twink experience to know that fire mages DESTROY with the right skill/ gear.. come make a twink on my realm, all who are trying to belittle me, and see your mistakes.. THIS THREAD IS OVER. a video will be coming to youtube sometime soon as i am getting my second agm. until then, shut your mouths.. show the stupidity i am talking about. flame what i just said.. go ahead i dont care. im done with this site. too many little kids on twink information sites.. It's disgusting..

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