19 Fire Mage info

hellheat said:
Ok.. i am completely enraged by all this bullshit.. im done with this thread.. i was only giving some tips to people that are workin on a fire mage. being a fire mage takes such incredible skill its unbelievable. if some people would get their heads out of their asses and understand this is NOT A GOD DAMN GUIDE!! this is apparently a site full of very unskilled and unknowledgable twinks who have not been bging enough with enough twink experience to know that fire mages DESTROY with the right skill/ gear.. come make a twink on my realm, all who are trying to belittle me, and see your mistakes.. THIS THREAD IS OVER. a video will be coming to youtube sometime soon as i am getting my second agm. until then, shut your mouths.. show the stupidity i am talking about. flame what i just said.. go ahead i dont care. im done with this site. too many little kids on twink information sites.. It's disgusting..

Cry like a baby much?...

You need to chill and just make the video. There will always be haters, and until you can prove them wrong there isn't much hope for stoping them with reasoning. I have been playing a mage for a long time and Fire excapes me...but maybe you found a way. SHOW US! (And just a heads up...If you 1v1 srubs you aren't really proving anything so make sure the fights are agianst other twinks. Maybe even do a WSG DPS video followed my seprate 1v1 videos, since it may be hard to get good footage of each class in a timely manner) Good Luck!

hellheat said:

That's not a screenshot to be proud of. That's a 2 hour, four healer, farmfest that you named 'wsg rape'. The ally hunter 'Gowai' got more damage than you and died 31 times.

People will take you more seriously if you post some screenies of closer battles, where the damage, score and healing were more even.

Looking at your armory stats (yeah they're flakey but apart from epeeny screenies its all we've got to go on) :

The World of Warcraft Armory

530 wsg's, 337 wins. 3000+ deaths in wsg. 63/300 flags capped/returned. 6 deaths per wsg. Not much arena.

Comparing your stats to other DPS classes in your guild and battlegroup with similar kills, achievement dates etc etc - for a pure DPS class who caps 1 flag every 9 games you die too much and your damage output is good but not great.
kid we are all mages. we have all tried fire mages. you havnt done any arena as a fire mage. I have. You know what the problem is? You catch a rogue, you nova, throw a fireball and try and get a r1 off.. then you r1 and wand over ..4 seconds later you are OOM because your 1k mana isnt viable. A good anything will sit there eating your fireball and throw kiting or whatever it takes to keep you in combat and you will die as soon as you hit rock bottom mana wise. Now I have beaten rogues, etc the first time when they were shocked just to fight a fire mage. But the next time it gets infinitely more difficult.

People didnt rag on you as a person. Your advice was terrible in many cases. Stop being so full of yourself. Fire mages are not that hard when you have 4 healers healing you. Heres the rotation..fire ball fireball fireblast. If something gets near you nova. Sheep one, put your rotation on the other, putting a r1 fb after every fireball. Nothing difficult about it at all.

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