Hurrx the braindead. I played a few games tonight, not on a hunt. And it is safe to say, that it's fucked. Everyone on horde has pretty much rolled a druid, I saw vianco on a druid. Mages not good enough for you?.. He pretty much spammed moonfire at me, so fun Am I right?. Now Hurrx, in a comment before you said no point being the only on in ally queing. I am pretty sure there is a lot of horde who also see this. Maybe by people rolling back ally people will want to play their ally. Instead of braindead people like yourself who just faction change when one faction is winning. aka whenever ally draenor such as phone start 5 man queing you're seen back on ally because they are better than vianco and his gang. They take a break you're back on horde. How high is your fucking faction changing bill. You must be some rich fuck.