Here’s a basic rundown of the twink classes I have/friends have, and what I think about each one:
Arcane mage has insane burst, but unless you’re stacking leech like Veechard, getting kicked/spell locked makes you useless. But if you’re freecasting, nothing will live.
Fire mage is the most annoying class you can twink out because it kites and CC’s all day long, it hits like a truck when freecasting, and it has better survivability than arcane.
In regards to mage, if you lack skill and want to piss everyone off, fire is the way to go.
Disc priest (as of right now) literally does not die. Unless you have 7+ non twinks, or 3+ twinks sitting on you, you’re gonna live for a very long time. However, weakened soul is returning in 8.1, so twink discs are going to require some actual skill rather than spamming shield.
Shadow priest seems to top damage over literally every other class right now. Their damage is just insanely OP due to the mix between dots and hard hitting spells. When being sat on, they’re not as viable, although they have multiple CCs and self heals. Also, they’re getting buffed in 8.1, so this is a very solid option in my opinion. The only problem with them, as far as I’ve experienced, is 1v1s. If you’re 1v1ing any class with kicks/stuns/spell defensives/self heals, you’re gonna lose.
Affli warlocks are the only other class that compete with shadow priests damage. All they do is just spam insta cast dots, and if they are using the life drain trait, they can 1 shot anybody in seconds. However, this trait is getting nerfed in 8.1, so I’m interested to see what some other viable setups are for affli. Overall, great damage, great self heals, and if free-casting (AKA being able to throw out unstable afflictions), good luck to the enemy team.
Demon hunters are broken. Specifically havoc demon hunters. My DH’s eye beam hits for 30k+. That’s an insta kill on any non-twink, and over half the hp of any twink. They’re by far the best class for expeditions too. However, eye beam is getting nerfed in 8.1, so I’m curious to see how op the class will still be after that.
Now, my personal favorite, DKs. First of all, Frost sucks. Stay away. Blood DK is insane right now because of their insane hp and self heals, but that is getting nerfed in 8.1. If you roll a DK, you have to go unholy. Unholy dk is honestly fantastic. You can either talent for rot (AKA you run around and AOE enemies from 30 yards away and they melt) or for burst (enemies drop in seconds and you can still hit them from 30 yards away). Rot allows you to kite melee forever, while burst is a combination of getting up close then kiting. UH DKs also have great self heals with death strike and blood pact. I piss people off when i’m at 10% hp one second then 70% the next. And the best part about UH is that it’s getting buffed in 8.1 because for some reason, people are complaining it’s not good. Well they haven’t seen me in action. The AOE on UH dk’s is unlike any other class, the survivability is great, and to all the people that say unholy dk’s get kited all day long, incorrect. They do the kiting. While most UH prefer rot spec for the nice aoe and range, I prefer burst. I can 1v1 literally any class except for ret pally twinks or tank twinks, while rot can’t do that. And do you know how many times I’ve had someone whisper me and ask “Is unholy melee or is it a fucking mage?” because of the surprisingly long range it has for a melee class. If you want a fun class that lives long, hits hard, and makes people question the game, go with unholy. (it may take some time to learn it and get the rotation down)
To finish this off:
As much as I love UH DK, Ret pally is probably the best class. It can 1v1 anything, it can kite, it can heal, and when you think it’s almost dead, it either bubbles or instantly full heals. I once saw a twink ret run into a mob of 8 horde non-twinks, use wake of ashes, and they literally disappeared. If you want to roll with the class that takes little skill and destroys everything, go ret. I’d say ret is the equivalent to fire mage in skill needed and OP-ness.
Boomies are OP and great.
Feral sucks right now.
Outlaw rogue seems to be the go-to for rogues because of their burst.
Enhancement shammy can either spam insta-cast heals all day, or actually do damage, but it doesn’t seem like it can do both.
Elemental is trash.
I don’t know enough about hunters or warriors to comment.
In summary:
If you’re gonna roll a tank, Prot pally all the way. DH tank has mediocre damage and healing. They are only good for flag carrying. I’ve only seen 1 monk tank, and I wasn’t impressed. Blood DK is great right now, but I’m worried about 8.1. Guardian druids are pretty OP to be honest. They’re very hard to kill, have great self heals, and decent damage. But still, prot pally is the way.
If you’re gonna roll a healer, MW monk all day. I once had 100 stacks of life drain on my warlock, fully bursted a mist weaver, and they didn’t drop below 50%. And for those of you that have seen a warlock with 100 stacks of life drain, you know that nothing survives that. But apparently a mistweaver can.
For melee dps, it’s between ret or unholy in my opinion. Ret wins right now, but come 8.1, that may change.
For ranged dps, spriest and fire mage are probably the most annoying due to their CC’s and insane damage.