Alliance Lives Matter
More turkeys strutting.
Give us a call when you become men.
We all know this won't happen. They are all talk and no show.
100,000 of my personal gold to the winners TONIGHT if this is real. 7:00 pm CDT. Put up or shut up.
If you would have read the original post, and a few other posts, you would know its not happening tonight, so far rusks hasnt even contacted me about it, you all just keep denying that its actually going to happen. The only reason it wouldn't happen is if you guys keep making excuses like "they aren't good enough" or "this isn't real".... Quit the bullshit. I never once said we were better, I never once said we would win - I'm just looking for some fun for my guild, and hopefully spark some interest in the bracket. Find your team, and play us.