EU+US 101-109's Armory List

Damn that's a nicely geared twink. How long did it take you to find a (nearly) full set of 860s? And dare I ask how much it cost lol. Hope you can get lucky with the Archimonde trinket to show us it in action :)

Are the cloth gloves worth the loss of 611 agi from the 800 quest ones btw? And also remember to consider the value of sockets! Especially on rings/neck/cloak/wrists:
These are some rough estimates of "equivalent ilvls" using a BM hunter's stat weights where secondary stats are mostly equal to agility:

Head: 8-10
Neck: 22-25
Shoulder: 10-13
Back: 13-17
Chest: 8-10
Wrists: 13-17
Hands: 10-13
Waist: 10-13
Legs: 8-10
Feet: 10-13
Ring: 22-26
Trinket: 8-10
Brand new baby 101 (literally just started), Illidanzig > NA > Horde > Vengeance.

Side note, can anyone think of Transmog items that would look similar to a Microphone (1H Sword/Axe) and a Bat, like the type with rabies (1H Sword/Axe). I'm trying to mog this toon in a certain theme based off 1970's Metal Bands.

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