#1 Paladin Poll

#1 palatink

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There are absolutely no validation for any claims made towards any EU players in this thread.
Baldimort is the best at building support for his team and drumming up a winning attitude.
Phonebook is the best all round fc.
Adraylla and Ericah are both excellent fuc*ing kiters.
Stubs is the best pocket healers i've seen in years, at least in his class.
Copyhat, Farley, whoever the fuc* i forgot, there are absolutely no way in which you can disregard any of these players, and frankly the fact that you take this poll so seriously, Fairy is making me a little sad.
you all need to sit your cute yet surprisingly soft little asses down and have a nice cuppa joe.
There are absolutely no validation for any claims made towards any EU players in this thread.
Baldimort is the best at building support for his team and drumming up a winning attitude.
Phonebook is the best all round fc.
Adraylla and Ericah are both excellent fuc*ing kiters.
Stubs is the best pocket healers i've seen in years, at least in his class.
Copyhat, Farley, whoever the fuc* i forgot, there are absolutely no way in which you can disregard any of these playersand frankly the fact that you take this poll so seriously, Fairy is making me a little sad.
you all need to sit your cute yet surprisingly soft little asses down and have a nice cuppa joe.

There's too much love in a Bracket this big, no one's urged to get better, or poked at for sub-par play recently.

This is what I mean.

People are too afraid to comment on their friends play, people aren't getting better. Instead of seeing it as everyone being flawed, and having ways to improve, you completely ignore the problems with their play, and don't point them out.

People don't get better if they don't know what's wrong.

I rarely see any of those Paladins HoR Pets and Crusader Strike them or 1 Holy Power Word of Glory when it's the only thing capable of keeping someone up through damage. They instead opt to pop LB and try a cast, resulting in either being interrupted, or not getting the cast off in time. It's not even a matter of individual skill, it's people not playing the class to it's full potential.

I'm not flawless, you can point out my flaws if you like.

frankly the fact that you take this poll so seriously, Fairy is making me a little sad.

It's not the poll.

It's if anyone thinks Farley is actually one of the best, is what bothers me. This is same principle as Stubs+Vian saying Nicozy is one of best Rogues EU. It just isn't true.

Nicozy might be good, Farley might be good, doesn't mean they're anywhere close to being the best of their respective classes.
Fhayr's ripping people apart in this thread. He's actually right though.
No, you see theres a reason for disagreeing with you, stay with me through the madness.
what you are doing, is not provide any relevant feedback, nor is this thread/discussion intended for relevant feedback. you're simply putting your misery @ show to account for the fact that you are uncofortable with your given situation.
i fully agree with you, there is ALOT of nice-guy in this bracket, i'm part of it, i like it. (sue me for being a nice guy, i beg you.)
do not mix the two. because this is not a list of relevance or skill increase, this isn't about helping people get better, this is a poll, designated to show whos good.
if you wish to help people get good, you can take that dandy little mouse wheel of yours, scroll two steps up and there you'll find a swell little thread called "level 19 tips and tricks" or something to that effect.
you're a respectable tinker, stay relevant.
The whole purpose of my posts, wasn't to hate on Farley, or upset him. I have no problem with him, despite our childish spat on HCL yesterday. But if someone suggests he was or is the best EU, I'm going to come down on you like an iron fist, pummelling some anus.

It'd be the same for anyone else. If a friend of a Paladin pops up and says "yo dog my friend Xpaladin was one of the best ever EU ive seen him play", and I disagree and give reasons why he wasn't ever relevant, then get argued with and get thrown a petty, incorrect personal attack, I'll have to put them down; it's my nature.

I apologise to Farley for being so harsh, but if you really think you're one of the best I hope it was a wakeup call. You're a nice guy, and I was admittedly a prick to you. A prick, but a fair(/Fhayr) prick.

As for me, my play has been lacking recently, I've been getting interrupted too much, that or several Rogues (Squidgy, Ondura etc, can't think of names of Rogues who've played better of late, sorry if I forgot someone) have improved. I hope it's just the latter, but I fear it's a bit of both.

This contradicts with me saying people aren't getting any better, but I still stand by my belief that people improve much, much quicker if you point out what they're doing wrong, or what they could do instead to improve their play.

I've logged on HCL a couple of times after a long absence from there, and I've been playing like abso-trash.

I hope to step up my play so I can justify being named one of the current Best EU. Thank you, and drive safe.

For clarification, me writing this monologue has nothing to do with this poll specifically. Everything I've posted would also apply to any generic "Best of EU 19s" thread.

EU politics #1
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i dunno about having to poke out someone flaws in order for them to improve, most if not all people that aren't clouded by their ego will know they need to improve and always strive to imo. Like you said that u know that you have flaws when as far as i know no one has pointed them out to you ( tbh i cant think of any though <3 except being a fugly d0rf, reroll cow)
I rarely see any of those Paladins HoR Pets and Crusader Strike them or 1 Holy Power Word of Glory when it's the only thing capable of keeping someone up through damage. They instead opt to pop LB and try a cast, resulting in either being interrupted, or not getting the cast off in time. It's not even a matter of individual skill, it's people not playing the class to it's full potential.

While I would never claim to be a top class pally. - I'm shit at fake casting due to not being assed to read through interruptbar addons. - I'm pretty mediocre at FCing, probably carried by gear. So what?
That comment is something I have always done and find it pretty insulting if you think you are the only one with the common sense to build your holypower off a pet or Taunt it away from the fc or Use it to keep yourself incombat, etc. etc. Perhaps the reason you don't see those things is because you don't queue wsg very often.

I agree with most of what you've said though I think people have forgot that paladin used to be about efficiency, timing and positioning. It's threads like this that make me not want to play my pally. What's the point when I'm just on for fun and subsequently get scrutinised because I play objectives & have gear yet am not the best?
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While I would never claim to be a top class pally. - I'm shit at fake casting due to not being assed to read through interruptbar addons. - I'm pretty mediocre at FCing, probably carried by gear. So what?

I feel u discredit yourself unnecessarily my friend, your anything but mediocre and your one of the only FC's who really knows what they are doing. When you have the flag with your paladin i feel its in safe hands and when u have it on your warrior i feel like afking :p.
While I would never claim to be a top class pally. - I'm shit at fake casting due to not being assed to read through interruptbar addons. - I'm pretty mediocre at FCing, probably carried by gear. So what?
That comment is something I have always done and find it pretty insulting if you think you are the only one with the common sense to build your holypower off a pet or Taunt it away from the fc or Use it to keep yourself incombat, etc. etc. Perhaps the reason you don't see those things is because you don't queue wsg very often.

I agree with most of what you've said though I think people have forgot that paladin used to be about efficiency, timing and positioning. It's threads like this that make me not want to play my pally. What's the point when I'm just on for fun and subsequently get scrutinised because I play objectives & have gear yet am not the best?
well, mate, perhaps if you tried to clean up those messy bars :p
While I would never claim to be a top class pally. - I'm shit at fake casting due to not being assed to read through interruptbar addons. - I'm pretty mediocre at FCing, probably carried by gear. So what?
That comment is something I have always done and find it pretty insulting if you think you are the only one with the common sense to build your holypower off a pet or Taunt it away from the fc or Use it to keep yourself incombat, etc. etc. Perhaps the reason you don't see those things is because you don't queue wsg very often.

I rarely see

I apologise for my ignorance, I grouped everyone together. But I do think the majority of Paladins lack awareness or positioning. Maybe I'm just a critic with unrealistic standards.

But if you don't see me in WSG often then why would you find this insulting.

If I don't see you play, and you know I don't see you play, then what I say doesn't apply to you?

Don't be insecure, you're a good Paladin.

It's threads like this that make me not want to play my pally. What's the point when I'm just on for fun and subsequently get scrutinised because I play objectives & have gear yet am not the best?

If you play for fun, why would scrutiny of your play bother you?
This poll is in need of some closure. We are left with a tie at this point in time.
lol wtf i just read 10 pages of people ''farley pro yo'' fhayr: 'no farley sux'
bro i havent played retail in 6 months, i come here to troll threads and it makes me really laugh that you are that mad..
I believe Phonebook deserved a chance on that poll, but anyways, Fhayr you are undoubtedly a great paladin and totally deserve your place on that poll, but something you should realize is, due to the fact that you played for looooooong time, people been looking at you and got inspired by your skills and in some cases, that one people got better and improved, maybe even to reach or overtop your talent, i think that's Farley's cases, he's skilled, not the best but still, im shocked you don't even admit that, have a nice day.


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