#1 Paladin Poll

#1 palatink

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r1 on hamcake land?


because he totally didnt spam /1 asking litterally any scrubs to q up vs lockpal for free rating now did he

only exceptional paladins in the history of eu are, and up til now have been phonebook, saku, jaxel and nev, myself not so much anymore

there were/are good people, holleh, fch, eggy, bollo, baldi, ardent, mexii, stubs, wip etc but the above were miles better

please do not insult all of eu by suggesting farley is one of the best paladins

thats just disgusting

When you were good, it wasn't you playing, it was Laura... begone pest
why isnt Brosmash in the poll?
Because i pretty much quit the game alrdy and only playing rarely now.

Hello all you probably have never heard of me but I am a paladin named repp on bronzebeard alliance. I play the occassional bg but I rly want to take it more serious and i aim to be one of the best paladins out there. i mainly play a rogue on hamcake land named renzzo. The problem is that I am still struggling on my 19 pally in wsg. I am guessing that paladin is the kind of class that you play for years and then it finally clicks then you start getting good. This brings me to why i made this post. I am looking for the best paladin there is....Brosmash. I want him to train me to his level. I watch him in wsg and I admire his skill. I know that maybe I will never reach such a level of playing but i really want to try. Brosmash if you're listening you're probably thinking welll why do I deserve your help and not other pallys? well if you coem onto hamcake land you can watch me on my rogue and see that I use keybinds and I am very skilled. I have played 19 rogue for just under 2 months and have learned everything about it. So that made me think, why cant I do the same on paladin? I believe that the problem is that I havnt had the right traiining on paladin and with the right mentor I could go far. Brosmash I just want you to know that I admire, respect and look up to you and I hiope that you can find it in your heart to help me out and I hope that anyone reading this could give me his real id or pass this message along to him and I will be grateful. Thanks for reading and good luck raping in the bgs.
Aww, thats prob the nicest thing ive heard for ages, (inb4 troll'd) but as i said im not playing the game as often as i did, mainly because ive been enjoying swtor pvp a lot. If u have anything else to say/ask just PM me from now on.

...Voted for fhayr btw ;)
you can think that all you like

we both played, me a lot more than you know

but i'm still right

please don't ever, ever try to disregard my influence

Does anyone in the EU even take Luckiee seriously? Cuz I have a very hard time doing so on the forums.
Does anyone in the EU even take Luckiee seriously? Cuz I have a very hard time doing so on the forums.

he's an ok hunter, doesnt play often, not even sure if he's subbed

a lot of eu people post dumb things

but once you wade through the filth and dirt you can get genuinely decent players, and genuinely decent personalities
Does anyone in the EU even take Luckiee seriously? Cuz I have a very hard time doing so on the forums.

If anything Dory, you should be asking if anyone EU takes me seriously.

I'm one of the few people who will actually post and try to put people in their place.

There's too much love in a Bracket this big, no one's urged to get better, or poked at for sub-par play recently.

I can tell more and more people are disliking me, but I know I'm right.

In regards to this thread, my fucking love and passion of everything preCata won't let anyone say Farley is even the close to being one of the best Paladins EU, he clearly fucking isn't.

P.S thanku sexi mashbro
I think and hope that most of the people, except luckiee it appears, who say that farley is numero uno, know that farley isn't close to any of the good paladins in eu.
now when that is said, why do you even care about these polls fhayr? there are so many good people missing, and people are just voting for whoever they like ( for example: farley would be #1 on poll cause everyone likes him, despite his lack of skill)
I think and hope that most of the people, except luckiee it appears, who say that farley is numero uno, know that farley isn't close to any of the good paladins in eu.
now when that is said, why do you even care about these polls fhayr? there are so many good people missing, and people are just voting for whoever they like ( for example: farley would be #1 on poll cause everyone likes him, despite his lack of skill)

it's not the poll i care about

people thinking farley is one of best in eu's history is what I care about

maybe i shouldnt, but peoples ignorance hurts me so

it pains me to my core
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it's not the poll i care about

people thinking farley is one of best in eu's history is what I care about

I get your point, but the decent part of EU know that this is not true. Of course we still have people like luckiee who seefarley as anidol and people who cultivate him.
Who the fuck is farley? Thats my current opinion in this thread. Unless he went by a different name i've never heard of seen this guy. Yet every1 seems to idolize him. fhayrqt or martin plx explain to me who this guy is so i can sleep tonight :<
It's the goat paladin, he was inactive ingame, but active on forums - He quit retail like 6 months ago, and he often queued up with '96(hurrx).
I believe he still plays hamcake

edit: typo
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Not familiar with any of these Paladins, other than tence and kancer, andThere's no way of me winning haha if no one else knows me. :p shuckss.... ^_^
I've never played with Fhayr, but from whatI've heard he is probably the best.

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