#1 24 Twink Classes?

I haven't been playing in the 20-24 bracket for more than a month but when I encounter an opposing level 24 I could usually kill them (With the exception of decent skilled 24 hunters). Opposing 24 warriors have yet to give me any trouble, so I nominate myself as #1 24 Arms Warrior US
#1, all gear, no skill.

Im old and my net sucks.

Petrol and brawlers, hotshots, and caverndeeps.
Xar - Shammy

Turdel - Warrior

BB - Warlock

Hypergunn - Mage
Well like it would be in categories i think like :

Holy Pally-

Frost Mage-

Boomkin Druid-

Prot Pally-

Arcan Mage-

Feral Druid-

Resto Druid-

& so on . lol to many specifics
I havent seen a better priest around so I nominate myself as teh best holy priest. There could be a best disc priest but I'm the best holy priest
Safe to say Trapizoid Boomkin since hes full BiS now and like no other boomies

and ill nominate my fc ochison as prot pally
naww skuudoosh for ret
and he barley plays prot from what ive seen only 1 out like 5 times hes been prot
& i would have to nominate ochi as best prot pally & trap as best boomy : / & hunter theres to many but fishin is definitely up there !
Infaemous, fishin and angrytoilet are the top hunters without a doubt.
Hmm if it doesnt matter to you then dont comment lol ;p & i was honestly just wondering they have it for 85s & 19s & 70s, & honestly 19s & 70s are easier. Plus your a hunter right?

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