#1 24 Twink Classes?

if you cant read .. im "Hypergun" 24 Mage , I know your whyzo cuz you know i read, but never once seen you.
<3 knowledge is power
mhm & btw i did just start this mage maybe 2 weeks ago <3 & i kinda do farm GY nor play an Overpowered class such as an hunter, where you dont have to be BiS to be "good"
Btw ochi im gearing prot atm , shoudn't you switch around some gear to get to hit capped , I mean missing a stun would equate to health loss which would render the extra stamina a bit useless, though I have not experienced premades so might be wrong.
you can use an elixir but switching to hit cap gear would lose alot of stam almost 3-400. I am specced toughness because i am not hit capped. Most prots are not hit capped and there is really no need to i really dont miss... only rogues or ferals
Well if being the best class is determined by who has the most hk's I guess me and ochi are both out of the running. But tbh this whole thread is retarded, I've only been playing at 24 for a little over a month and dont claim to be the best at all and I dont think it is at all possible to measure such a thing. But Ochisons and my play styles are to different to compare, He stacks hp while I find myself having to hit cap and keep good ap to cut my way through endless waves of alliance in my pug horde wsg's lol. If I knew I had definate pocket heals I would probably drop some hit for some hp and maybe even improved HoJ.
Well on my rogue I am only 1% under hit cap and I notice I miss ambushes once in while vs level 20s have no wish to see any HoJ misses anytime soon.

Though I have to say if you can pimp your twink with endless stream of hit rating elixir I guess you can get best of both worlds , leaving only your AP out a little bit.
So a prot pally is usually the FC correct ? & if the offence can kill the FC it makes him not so good correct ? well no disrespect but your not the hardest FC to kill at all . & i'll tell you why has nothing to do with your hp nor hit , its your basic lack of skill for kiting .
Haha ^ have to give it to you xar you aree by far the best shammy i seen at 24 but my 19 which youu know is a legit shammy ;p
well thats what your judging your gear on on why you stack hit. dont get hostile for being told the truth , you judge our skills & our gear on pugs so if you can stand the heat then dont say nothing to begin with.

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