#1 24 Twink Classes?

Wait hypergun who's your 19? And seeing as we've only had pugs, and no official premades as of yet, not sure what else we would be judging this off of lmao.
Alright then, I'm kicking myself for getting into this, but you asked for it.

The thread is titled #1 24 twink class, the last time I checked "Flag Carrier" was not a class. Therefore the best at one's class would be the best overall.


WSG Flag Caps= 223

WSG Flag Returns= 22


WSG Flag Caps= 266

WSG Flag Returns= 132

Well, it looks like someone can play at both ends of the map, not just stack hp and run a flag.

Numbers dont lie.

Nuff said.
ok numbers dont lie , so how long have you played your 24 ? honestly yes you have the numbers but thats because you havent faced E.T enough ;p i guarantee you if we see eachother in a "pug" your not getting passed mid <3
If you nominate someone for being first could you please include a link to armory , or in signature , avoids having to jump to the 24 armory EU , US threads to check them out , that is if they are on there.
First off for an FC, returns should not be a factor on how good they are, and tbh the entire idea of basing it off of stats is ridiculous, but since we've already started I'll contribute.

Bully you also need to bring into account the amount of warsongs played when comparing yourself to other FC's

EG. I have played 147 games of warsong gulch, and capped 287 flags. So we divide the capped flags by the number of games, and my average of caps per game is at about 1.95 flags per game.

In your case, you've played 198 games of warsong gulch, and capped 266 flags, so your average cap per game ratio would be about 1.34 flags per game.

Again there are a lot of issues with determining the quality of a player based on this (Such as a person who plays one warsong and caps 3 times, and then has a ratio of 3 caps per game.) but since numbers were brought up, I thought I'd contribute
Once again, flag carrier is not a class. I dont even really enjoy fcing that much, just in most cenario's I'm in im the best suited for the role, which is why I end up carrying the flag 95% the time. If theres another geared player willing to take the flag I'll gladly let him have it.

If the thread was called "Best 24 FC' I would not even expect to be in the running, but then again I dont expect to be considered the best 24 prot pally(yet) either.
First off for an FC, returns should not be a factor on how good they are, and tbh the entire idea of basing it off of stats is ridiculous, but since we've already started I'll contribute.

Bully you also need to bring into account the amount of warsongs played when comparing yourself to other FC's

EG. I have played 147 games of warsong gulch, and capped 287 flags. So we divide the capped flags by the number of games, and my average of caps per game is at about 1.95 flags per game.

In your case, you've played 198 games of warsong gulch, and capped 266 flags, so your average cap per game ratio would be about 1.34 flags per game.

Again there are a lot of issues with determining the quality of a player based on this (Such as a person who plays one warsong and caps 3 times, and then has a ratio of 3 caps per game.) but since numbers were brought up, I thought I'd contribute
there's literally not a single person in this thread that i would want on my team over a corresponding level 20 f2p twink

reading this just makes me sad
my toon has been in the bracket for a awhile now. XD well just zøla (epic guild) has since

she is the 1st original feletia(in idgac guild) until epic x-fer me.
(and i love them all <3)

battlegrounds played- 1517

bg won- 1192 (i do usually que on my own time to time. and also since zøla was feletia last year. :] )

uhh? flags..

flags captured- 756

flags returned- 743

zøla is also close to the the 100k honorable kills achievement! <3 80.5k/100k at the moment.
my toon has been in the bracket for a awhile now. XD well just zøla (epic guild) has since

she is the 1st original feletia(in idgac guild) until epic x-fer me.
(and i love them all <3)

battlegrounds played- 1517

bg won- 1192 (i do usually que on my own time to time. and also since zøla was feletia last year. :] )

uhh? flags..

flags captured- 756

flags returned- 743

zøla is also close to the the 100k honorable kills achievement! <3 80.5k/100k at the moment.

Your stats do not count since you play hunter sowwy!

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