
  1. Masachz

    500 honor lvl

    Any tips how get faster this honor lvl ? I playing on my horde char and playing for ally side for more honors but do you think something ? What can help me more than just using 60min fraction switch ?
  2. WoW Classic Guild! [H] [OC] [Semi-hardcore]

    Lok'Tar Ogar! Do you want to start your wow classic experience in good company? Or just share the hype till release date? Thrall's Chosen are recruiting loyal members of the Aus/NZ or SE Asian Horde into our elite fighting force! We will be completing all raid content as it becomes available in...
  3. Embu

    EU Incursion in Zul'Gurub - 5th May

    Willing to do a PvP lvl20 event? Don't wait and take part in the Zul'Gurub event! Welcome for this new event hosted by the WoW20 community. After Lordaeron, Alliance wants to take the whole possession of the Eastern Kingdoms. Sylvanas asked the Horde to comeback in Zul'Gurub to...
  4. Rocket

    US Horde 80 PVE + PVP

    Hello all With the recent changes to the twink community I am looking for any people interested in doing level 80 content. If i get enough feedback here I will create a guild or join a guild if there is already one formed. I am Horde on the Illidan server. Please respond here or add me on...
  5. Embu

    EU+US Epic BGs: video announcement

    Ready for 40 vs 40? It is time to do the biggest BGs ever done! Remember, we did it several times in the past. Now, it is time to do it once again! When? Sunday 04 PM, both for EU and US! Please remember: Only xp on queue => F2P, 20vet, lvlers l if you have gametime, play with xpon...
  6. Embu

    EU+US WoW20: community introduction

    It is time to introduce the WoW20 Youtube channel! Video link: The lvl20 community is pleased to introduce a video introducing the European / American lvl20 twinks! :) In this video, we recap some lvl20 events that happened in the past, but we also show what the...
  7. Qer

    Any gear suggestions for a level 19 balance druid twink?

    Below you can see my balance druid's armory i'm still working on my gear if you have any suggestions on what pieces i should get i would appreciate it
  8. ClassicWoW-EU, the Discord server for the european community.

    Hi everyone. You might want to know that although there are already many Discord servers out there related to classic wow, there is a more local one specifically for Europe, with already nearly 400 members. Feel free to join fellow european classic lovers and vanilla old-timers while waiting for...
  9. AxiomDK

    US 3v3 Wargame BattleTag List Thread

    This thread is for 3v3 Wargame Batlletags only. Please use the format when posting below. This thread is for 20-29s only. __________________________________ FORMAT Looking for team to join: Looking for teams to WG: BattleTag: Character #1 (Main) In-game Name: Faction: Server: Class: Role...
  10. AxiomDK

    US 29 Twink Outlaw Rogue Gameplay [Stream] | 2500 BFA XP Rogue | 29 Twink Outlaw Rogue Gameplay Tune in and give your fellow twinker a follow, helps support the small guys and remind me that people might enjoy watching! Any tips, or constructive criticism are appreciated! Love to everyone who supports...
  11. mczizegg

    Isle Expedition in 1:38min

    Hey guys, just wanted to share our fastest expedition run (by now :D) 3x Level 110 Twinks
  12. EU Ally Twink Guild - Ravencrest

    Hey guys, firstly thank you for visiting my post. <Demon Twinks> is a new Twink guild looking to expand its current roster. We are looking for Twinks within all level and skills ranges, with any experience being accepted. We aim to create an enjoyable and social environment for our members...
  13. EU Ally Twink Guild - Ravencrest

    Hey guys, firstly thank you for visiting my post. <Demon Twinks> is a new Twink guild looking to expand its current roster. We are looking for Twinks within all level and skills ranges, with any experience being accepted. We aim to create an enjoyable and social environment for our members...
  14. US Kel'thuzad 101 twink gear for sale

    Looking to sell these items prices negotiable add btag zak#1386 if your interested ty:) Claud's War-Ravaged Boots 875 : 125k Queen Yh'saerie's Pendant 870 : 125k Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart 865, avoidance : 100k...
  15. Embu

    EU+US What about a lvl 20 discord?

    edit : Fortunately, XPoff is still online. However, I find interesting the idea to keep a Discord for lvl20 players. You'll find the link at the end of the text As you know, XPoff will be offline soon. Don't worry, database will remain saved. It's just that due to money problems, the site...
  16. Somfas

    ALL SPEC macros, use one macro for all specs

    I love macros, I love saving space, I love time on target and utility macros. some classes dont have autoaquiretarget and auto startattack built in, the best way to find out if a spell needs a few helper commands is to stand in front of an attackable target or have a friend duel you for this...
  17. Needing help twinking my lvl 101 char please

    Hello, I'm new in WoW. i bought some high-stat armors for my bot char but i realized the only ilvl i got is 750. I tried to look for other lvl 101 high stats gear, like chest, wrist, etc... but i could only see lvl 90 low stated gear. and i am a warlock so i can only equip clothes. I need at...
  18. Holythane

    WTB/WTT 1-19 Transmogs

    First thread here so I will make it a good one, boredom has struck with my large inventory of gold and items so I am looking to spend / trade things. Buying anything and everything for 1-19 transmog (that I don't have), trying to get every boe item possible. Can pay with gold or trade for...
  19. alanlefio

    US What is the best server for twinks?

    That is my question, I would like to know which is the best server, since I have my twink 99 in ragnaros and I would like to change it to a server where I can get a good equip and do something more than bgs at the same time. Sorry for my English, I speak Spanish and the translator of Google...
  20. AtieshBipsi

    EU+US <Set Back> Guild Recruitement

    The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 70 Bracket hosted with Burning Crusade Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Set Back> & our Level 60 Alliance counter-parts named <Deck Me Out> Also provide events for the 60 Bracket here on the Argent Dawn EU...