
  1. CynicalLight

    What even is chromie time?

    Update: Thanks for the guide, linking here for anybody wanting to know more about Warforged... https://xpoff.com/threads/dragonflight-f2p-baseline-guide.99104/ I'm wondering is there an xp off chromie time guide? I find chromie time is a bit confusing as far as brackets and item drops go. I've...
  2. Knightfall

    The most eloquent way many have felt about War/Titan-forging.

    My friend sent me this old forum post after I was telling him about the quest item/BoE Rare-specific drop warforges. I'M DYING. When I tried to read "McForges" out loud I just couldn't get past the second line.
  3. EU+US Black Temple Timewalking loot experience!

    I did Black Temple on my 79 twink, and actually ended up pretty lucky with 3 pieces of loot whereas 2 of them had a socket. This got me thinking a bit, did anyone else do Black Temple on your twinks? Did anyone get any warforged/titanforged? I know that from the dungeons the warforged did'nt...
  4. how hard is it to get the TF gear you need?

    so according to delindsay, we have 5% chance of getting TF gear from a box. say, you are missing a a weapon to be full TF then it is 5%/9, which is roughly 0.555%.. for a class like priest/lock/mage/rogue would be 5%/10 because you have 2 possible weapons. with some assumptions. 1. we do not...
  5. WARFORGED (Highest Item Level)- Are you at least getting one a day?

    So, sad to say I can't farm as much as I'd like and I'm only grabbing roughly 35-45 or so chests a day. (On one character) I'm currently sitting at full 24 WF with the exception of two 34's. Being 2/9 (including weapon) I'm scared I won't have time to get the full set, being 7 days left.. I'd...

    Hey everyone :) Been MIA for a bit, these invasion grinds have me losing my mind. I wanted to post this yesterday but I was waiting on a confirmation from a GM to do so. Anyway, let's get straight to it! I'm going to assume you're caught up on all information regarding Warforged items and the...
  7. Verum

    Fastest way to get around invasion sites. (Alliance)

    In this little "tutorial" I will show you the ways I find the fastest getting around the invasion sites (by foot). And "By foot" I mean without fly mount. Remember that these are the ways I find the fastest, there is most likely a faster way to get to these sites faster, if so, write a comment...
  8. DeLindsay

    Warforged & yes Titanforged Invasion Gear

    Alright I think I finally have proof of what @artonkn was hypothesizing on one of the threads in regards to the Legion Invasion Gear actually Titanforging. I logged out my main Level 10 Twink Gringotts with an iLvL 15 Warforged Helm and an iLvL 25 Warforged Gloves. This gives validity that the...