
  1. EU+US How do you guys farm transmogs for your twink?

    How do you guys farm transmogs for your twink? What are the requirements for transmogging certain gear at 19?
  2. Ferib

    WoW Transmog Felforged Gear at any level

    Hello everyone, Ferib here. I have been farming the invasions all day long and the event almost ended. Now i have the full set but i can't even transmog it. So you guys prob know about the level 98 required to use this appearance. That sucks, right? we are twinks and most of us will never reach...
  3. TwinkOrRiot

    EU <Twink or RIOT> Recruitment (A) - Ravencrest

    What are we? We are a 10 - 19s guild. Twink or RIOT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where are we? Ravencrest - Alliance / EU...
  4. Bestworld

    EU+US Grandfathered transmogs go!

    As the title hints, link an armory with as many items transmoged to a grandfathered item as possible. It'll probably look retarded, but bis is bis, even when it comes to transmogs. Here's my rogue: Sadly, I have no gf'd...
  5. Wool

    EU+US Legion 20-29's Transmog Thread

    Since I couldn't find a 20-29 Transmog Thread, I decided to make one. here are some of my twinks that I thought had some cool mogs - 29 Feral Druid - Tupac Transmog Here - Click here 24 Beast Mastery Hunter - Spooksir Transmog Here - Click here 20 Retribution Paladin - Sadbøy Transmog Here...
  6. Hurtaz

    EU+US Show off your transmog!

    With the Legion Pre-Patch we got tons of possibilities when it comes to transmogging gear. This is a place where we can share our tmogs and tips about gear available for transmogging at level 1-9. There is a lot of green quest gear (up to around ilvl 25) that level 1s are able to transmog into...
  7. Quint

    EU+US Hurry! Save our transmog sets now.

    Hi all! I previously made a thread about how many transmog items we will lose in LEGION. I explained the problem here: A forgotten issue of transmog in LEGION I couldn't access the alpha forums, and I don't have beta access either. So I posted that in general section of EU. I couldn't get...