Do you want an 11 Fury Twink like everybody else, but don't want to spend a lot of time getting it ready to tank? Follow these simple steps:
1 - Create a New Warrior
I recommend choosing a Vulpira
For Specialization, select Fury and spend the 1 point on War Machine.
Vulpira Benefits include...
sup bros
im recruiting beach bums 4 the <BH Wowlleyball Team>
a crew of kul tiran brewmasta monx & shaman ONLY
the focus of the team is 2 send ur foes 2 touch the sky
example > >...
I would like to share with my fellow Demon Hunters a couple of glitches I used when solo farming BIS BC soket gear. They saved me a ton of time by skipping mob kills, so each run took only 5-7mins.
This involve farming these specific items:
Starlight Gauntlets
Boots of the Shifting Sands...
Help me out bois. I've got 2 horde 60s, but I want to make a 19 blockadin. Maybe I'm retarded enough to actually do it too.
Here's what I was thinking in terms of gear and talents. For 2h swap I would have to get Glacial Stone with crusader of course. Would need to also get some more eagle gear...
Some of my thoughts:
Primary stats are now way more important for Prot Warriors, Prot Paladins, and Brewmasters. Stagger now scales with Agility while Armor scales with Strength. Prot warriors also scale their Stamina.
This also means Landslide is no longer a good enchant for Brewmasters. I'm...
I'm just asking some opinions from the 20 - 29 community. What do you think is the overall best tanking class for 20's? I'm looking for an all-rounder PvE and PvP tank class.
I've only ever twinked a 20 Prot Warrior. Prot Warrior's are fairly decent in PvP with a stun, charge and slow and ok...