
  1. EU Vicious Terrorists - Recruiting 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES

    Attention, twinks and thrill-seekers! Vicious Terrorists, a newly established horde guild, is on a mission to dominate every facet of World of Warcraft twinking. We’re recruiting level 10s, 20s, and 30s who are eager to bring their A-game and carve their names into twinking history. This is an...
  2. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Twinks vs Sunwell Plateau | Patch 11.0.5

  3. Life


    GOLDEN TWINKIES LVL 30/35 RAIDING "Bringing back the Golden Era of Twinking" <Golden Twinkies> ensures all of our raids are friendly, encouraging, and focused on Teamwork to share in our accomplishments! Raids are our most popular events consistently gathering a full raid 2-3x a week! our...
  4. thefatgoblin

    Addon idea for optimizing pvp twink toon lifespan on a given bracket (retail xp-on twinking)

    Hello there friends, been awhile since i don't post in this forum but i'm still very active on the 30-69 pvp scene, my gameplay is around leveling an alt to level 30, then start gearing it and go into bgs. Close to a level bracket cap i usually start quitting bgs to stop getting xp bonus and...
  5. Gems for 10s on retail

    The higher number primary stat gems are unique equipped so you can have 1 of each name (not type but name). Same thing with the nightmare tear and speed gems. The multiple stat gems however are not unique equipped. So if you have sockets you can add them as much as you want. The 3 3 multi stat...
  6. Retail Twink XP OFF DEBUFF in BG - One solution - 2023

    Many people know how to twink in bg and get that debuff in bg. For those who dont know : There are different ways of doing it ! so you can try different options. One Way of doing it : You get your main account that will create character "AA" Your twink should be on another account, free...
  7. Emelia

    World of Twinkcraft

    World of Twinkcraft Retail Exploit/Retail 10s & 60s/Community Hub: Discord NA In-game community code: 2PxKbYlsr0P Twinkcraft Master Community Promotion Site: Work in Progress Twinkcraft Index Leaders: @Emelia, @Fugitivo (Graet), and @pokspell
  8. Liltabasco

    Looking for Retail Warrior twink info. (PvP F2p & Sub)

    I was thinking about twinking out a warrior For PvP, (Arms, or Fury) whichever I feel is spicy for my style of play. Anyway Was wondering What Bracket we stand a chance & what is BiS so on and so forth. I can see I'm in Good hands here so i was seeing if someone may point me to the right...
  9. Evokers get a Third Spec...

    And it's not a tank. It's a massive disappointment. Remember back when people were screaming about adding High Elves to the game and we got Void Elves? Well, this time everyone wanted a Tank Spec for Evokers and we get 2 DPS specs instead. I guess the real kicker is that the current DPS spec...
  10. Life

    US <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> - The Largest & Most Social Guild is RECRUITING ALL 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES / PARTIES

    <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> (Bringing the “Golden Era” to Twinking by Uniting EVERY twink!) The Largest, Most Social, Most Active, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS! ✨WELCOME TO THE PARTY!✨ We're here to gear you up, enchant you, and bring you into the action! We are the...
  11. Will Shadowlands reset twinks?

    "Shadowlands will introduce a "level squish" -- existing characters will have their level number reduced to a new scale. Level 120 characters will wake up in the new expansion as level 50" - Wowhead If your 39 is squished to 16 won't you have to start gearing from scratch for a new bracket...
  12. ohti

    General Party Sync Battlegrounds Consumables and Usables Compendium

    Introduction Welcome to the party sync consumables and usables compendium. The purpose of this list is to inform players of all the known consumables that work as a party sync toon. This is a highly unexplored topic that deserves more light to be shed on it. Despite popular belief, party sync...
  13. Wildlands

    EU+US Vet Accounts and Classic Subscritions

    It is my understanding that having a Classic WoW subscription means you also have a retail subscription. That's great and all, but what does that mean for my level 20s? I don't want to lock their XP because of the recent changes to queues. Think it would be best to play Classic on a...