
  1. Life


    GOLDEN TWINKIES LVL 30/35 RAIDING "Bringing back the Golden Era of Twinking" <Golden Twinkies> ensures all of our raids are friendly, encouraging, and focused on Teamwork to share in our accomplishments! Raids are our most popular events consistently gathering a full raid 2-3x a week! our...
  2. Emranos

    AM Legacy Recruiting 30s (EU)

    We are a friend group of 5 and ready to raid in legacy content in retail, and we are looking for 30s to raid together with us. We are playing actively in our guild [ATES MECLISI] TwistingNether-Horde (EU). We are having some sign-ups from achievement discord servers at the moment and if you are...
  3. Lenzork

    Are there any Communities/Guilds running in WoD Raids?

    Hey there! I'm new to this Forum but really interested and passionate about Level Stop activities. I would just like to ask if there are any communities or guilds that are running WoD Raids like BRF or HFC in EU. Also i'm interested what communities / raiding Brackets there are. Maybe some MoP...
  4. Virtuoso Guild

    EU [Kazzak] <Virtuoso> New Raiding Guild Looking for Raiders and Socials!

    Greetings, adventurers of Azeroth! Guild Name: Virtuoso Server: EU-Kazzak ️ Focus: Raiding & Community Building --- About Us: Virtuoso is a newly formed guild on EU-Kazzak with a burning passion for raiding progression while nurturing a close-knit and respectful community. Whether you’re a...
  5. doodihealz

    Legacy Thirty recruiting 30s

    Legacy Thirty is looking for more level 30 members for PVP and PVE content. We're about to hit our 2 year anniversary and have no plans to go away. Our discord size is currently over 400 members! We do dungeon tournaments with gold payout as well as PVP tournaments for gold payout. We do raids...
  6. US Alliance MoP or WoD Level Locked Guilds

    Hello, I am looking for a guild that has locked their levels at the appropriate level to run MoP or WoD raids. I am looking for Alliance and don't have a preference for server as long as its retail.
  7. One Night in Karazhan lvl 30 Project tournament

    Hey Guys, "Your host, the great magus Medivh, invites you back to party down - with me! Come inside... Meet your friends at the door. We've got a feast like you've never seen before. Shake your stuff to our musical beat. Play life-size chess, but don't you dare cheat! Most of all, throw your...
  8. soovage

    US Echoes of The Past

    Echoes of The Past is a new old content progression raiding guild on alliance bleeding hollow. We are starting in BC the goal is to clear as much BC end game as possible then move onto Wrath content then Cata content and so on. I have been involved in guilds like since Cataclysm so I am...
  9. soovage

    US old content progression raiding.

    Trying to see if there is enough interest in a progression raiding guild. skipping 60 content because theres classic and people always want to skip to BC anyways. Would go through all 70 raids then move onto 80 content and so on... would be ZERO leveling rules, but once you get to the bracket we...
  10. US LF 90 Progression Raiding Guild Recruits

    [ Runnin in the Nineties ] Ever wish to replay the events of Pandaria? Project Rules and Information: ---------------- Level Bracket:90 Server: Darkspear <A> No Leveling Restrictions! Only Using MoP armor Cross-Server Allowed Officers: C9Fancy#1893 Runnin in the Nineties is a MoP 90 twink...
  11. WeaselGuy

    <SAGA> [A] [PvP] [NA]- Classic Raiding Guild Recruitment

    SAGA North American PvP Server Alliance Raiding Guild Main Raid Schedule: Friday: 9pm-1am EST Saturday: 9pm-1am EST Sunday: 7pm-10pm EST About Us: [SAGA] is a group of Vanilla veterans and long time twinks, aiming to be among the top raiding guilds in Classic. While we are first and...
  12. Yatsa

    US <Horde Strike Force> Progressive Raiding Branch

    The <Horde Strike Force> on US-Maelstrom is starting a new, fun-focused team to raid ALL of Warcraft's content at level. We'll start at 60, lock XP, and enter Molten Core. Hopefully, we'll end at level cap with the current raid. Raid Times: Saturdays at 10pm Central Rules: -No Heirlooms during...
  13. Level 80 guilds alliance

    Looking for a level 80 guild for pve if pvp twinking being shut down is not a bug please link info already have a 80 prot pally ready to go
  14. EU 80-89 Community

    Me and Firemaniac noticed during a boost run for our 80 twinks in ICC that the mobs actually hit like trucks now. That made us want to attempt to make a community and eventually a guild för those 80s out there who want to see if a legacy raid group could clear the old WOTLK raids. 80-89 are also...
  15. US New Vanilla Guild <Lets Go Back> Earthen Ring - Alliance

    Hello! I am looking to start a vanilla raiding guild called <Lets Go Back>! It will be very laid back to where you can level up however you want whether that is like the old times just quests and no BOAs or you can level up with BOAs and just spam dungeons it just matters if you want more of a...
  16. Vibbe

    EU <Five a Day> 5 Twink Guild!

    <Five a Day> Rebirth of an Untouched bracket Level 5 Twink Guild 1. Why 5 Twinks? 2. Info 3. Class? 4. Events 5. FaD - Solo/Raid List 6. Videos 7. Contact 1. Why 5 Twinks? Closest we can get to "Old 1 Twinks" Which means few spells & heals No kite in Pve Heals Fishing Engineering No insane...
  17. Mendicent

    US Is anyone interested in 90 Raiding?

    Hey all, I was just wondering if there was a community of 90 raiders or if people were interested in 90 raiding at all anymore. I used to love doing 90 raids with Heart of Fear being one of my favorite fights to tank. If anyone is interested, me and my friends are going to try and start up a...
  18. EU+US 5 lvl70 twinks vs Black Temple (Patch 7.2.5) (Current progress: 9/9 World First)

    As you all know, with 7.2.5 Black Temple received significant changes, primarily in the form of large health increases for all enemies, and some number tuning. Black Temple now also scales with the amount of players you bring, with a minimum of 10 players. This allows us to bring a lot more...
  19. US Horde Legacy Guild <You Gon Learn Today>

    We are starting on horde legacy guild on server magtheridon. Currently in need of all classes so feel free to pick what fits you best! Starting with BC content and moving on. If you need more info feel free to comment or add my BT skinnysurge#1352
  20. Mendicent

    US [Horde] <Retro Active> Looking for Raiders!

    Hey everyone, my name is Mendicent and I'm currently starting a level 70/80 progressional raiding guild on Zul'Jin. We are currently in the process of leveling and finding a team to raid through content like the good 'ol days. Guild Goals: -------------- Our goal is to clear all the way through...