So I've been trying to finish my artifact weapon. I'm at ilvl 32(f2p account) and doing the last quest I can to try for an epic proc when the option for the life relic didn't show up! The quest is Lieutenant of the Tower. I made a ticket about it and got told it was a bug and posted it here...
Soge's TBC Classic BiS Standards
Remember that these aren't definitive and meant as guidelines only. There are a ton of viable builds, and I'm up for adding any that people deem noteworthy so don't hesitate to put your own twist on them. That being said, these setups represent a wealth of...
This thread is aimed at players who are interested in structured competition but are unable to participate on their home server. If you are currently wargaming regularly, skip this pitch - we want to grow the community not play musical chairs and pull from active guilds.
Matches are on Sunday...
Title says it all, female human defensive priest twink looking for an active competitive 19 twink guild looking to premade horde guilds. I am a classic wow premade experienced player and best in slot.
We are currently looking for the following classes. Priest > Warlock > Warrior > Druid. Feel free to add my discord ID : Jaden#6966 if you have questions.
I love seeing blackout proc like anyone else but I'm curious what most of you guys are running talent wise.
I feel like 70% pushback reduction for 2 points is just too damn good to pass up.
Interested in your choices.
Soge's Vanilla Classic BiS Standards
I've managed to craft a decent library of 39 loadouts for useful and popular builds, figured I'd share them. 39s rely on so much BoE gear that it's hard to keep track of everything you should be hunting, and I think a quick and dirty set of lists all in one...
Hello, I will be starting a Series of guides that will focus on Advanced Class Specific Macros.
*This Guide is for the simplified basic users, who may not know the capability of their class in classic WoW and focuses on turning you into a Rank14 Grand Marshal/High Warlord from a Basic level 10...
Didn't find a list for this so i thought i should make one !
Not going to post alot of weapons here as most classes would opt in for a Foamspittle Staff
Have I completed that quest??
Hey guys,
I'm a new poster to xpoff but I have been twinking since vanilla on Blackrock Horde
I currently live on Illidan Horde and am a proud member of <Insurrection>
I would love to see the 69 Twink community come together for some events and some duels in a TBD location out in the world for...
Hi, I am looking to start gearing my 29 Shadow priest and I'm looking for some advice.
Does anyone have a full list of the best in slot gear for Shadow? Most Spriest on EU and NA aren't nearly full geared from what I can tell. If anyone can give me the list and then also tell me what my stat...
ey guys. I been working on a disc priest and I guess I wanted to ask how viable people think a glass-cannon disc build is? How necessary is stam? I know most people like to strike a balance between int and stam. I've been intrigued by a couple of items in specific..
[Spellpower Goggles Xtreme...
Elosius - Using a full crit based build due to reliance of critical procs for Holy. Take into account the alchemist flask of 11 Int, 10% Stamina Buff, 5 Stamina/Vers food + Enchanting Oils.
Is there anything I could use to improve my character further besides Battleground Armor?
Hey everyone, I'm new to twinking in this bracket and was looking for some input over stat balance. There are a lot of items without intellect but hefty secondary stats and I'm trying to weigh the pros/cons of each. I don't know if there is a way to sim dps/hps to find out 1 int = 1.6 vers or...
I have a level 29 Priest that I haven’t played for the best part of 3 years, I’m wondering if glass cannon is still a viable gear setup?
If not, what gear setup should I aim to collect?
Anyone help me?! You guys are the experts. I’ve got a 49 Disc. (Poop) and I’m working on gearing. Full postmasters and epic dagger and offhand, trinket from winter spring quest. What else ? Thanks buddies!!
After a long time I logged into my old World of Warcraft Account and found some interesting stuff on my old Priest.
I saw my shoulders and my ring is now level 30 and "red". Do they still give stats or no? 1h Mace has ilvl 45 but i guess a lower wand is better for pvp?
Hi everyone,
I am playing priest disc as a heal en BG, but is it really the best spec for healing in PvP.
Moreover, i saw some priest heiling for more than 150k in Warsong Gulch when i only heal for 50k...
How can i improve my gameplay ? Do you have some useful macro, tips and addon for priest ...