
  1. lv70 Twinks, Farm your leggo's now b4 the pre patch!

    Might be a bit late for some, for ppl like me with a lv70 twinks, i went onto the ptr and my warrior was squished to lv27, which is fine cause my leggos from black temple are lv27. No big deal, means im in the lv29 bracket now. ..... only problem is when I teleported to BT with my neck and...
  2. Hiroitchi

    EU+US 7.3.2

    Any word yet on Legionaries?? Will the crafted ones be ilvl 1000 when the raid opens up? Thoughts and speculations...
  3. Thereisone

    US One Toon to rule them all. (NEWB HELP) PVE

    If you could do it all over again, what class and spec would you do for doing and selling 101 Twink carries? PVE carries at first and then maybe PVP later This will be my first 101 twink and I want to do it right. I can play almost any spec of any class. With that being said i plan on buying...
  4. Siynoth

    EU+US Best way to farm Legendaries for 101's?

    Title pretty much. Is it possible to get emisarry quest caches at 101 and does the paragon reputation work with tokens etc.? Thanks :)
  5. mczizegg


    YES YES YES!!! On my 25th chest ill got the 970 Trinket, bye bye 845 Agi Trinket and Hi sweet 3960 Intelligence *__*
  6. Hiroitchi

    EU+US man I love the pargon Boxes

    I opened one earlier and got this.. I am so stoked.... It contained.. a Legendary, 2 Curious coins, a Carrot on the Stick equipment, gold and some resources... Now I have to go to HFC for some boots.
  7. CloudeStrife

    EU+US 101 Legendary Discussion

    I apologize in advance if there is already a thread for this. Mods, I wont be hurt if you kill this thread and/or point ppl to that one. That being said, lets talk legendary! I'm pretty sure you all know that with 7.2 came the ability for 101's to both obtain, and equip the 940 legendary...
  8. EU+US Legendary farm

    So with 7.2 coming out presumably in the next 1-2 months, I was wondering what the best way to farm them is. Does normal dungeons have a chance to drop them? So far I do: Blingtron 6k World Boss Normal dungeon spam(NL) Is there anything I've missed that could up the chance for a drop? I've...
  9. Exercise

    (110) Got my first Legendary :D

  10. DeLindsay

    100-109 Twink Gear options

    TL;DR at bottom **Legion information, thus is subject to change before it's Live** As we don't have a Forum for this Bracket yet I figured I'd post this here. For anyone wishing to Twink between 100-109 you have some good news. So far in Beta the iLvL for Craftables is just barely lower than...