
  1. Dpook

    The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Reach out via messages with any feedback or questions. updated: 2/3/25 Special thanks to @pokspell @Conzil @Emelia @Life for your support and commitment to the community <3 PURPOSE To provide the most up to date armories with the current meta gear from TWW. Due to high volume of requests...
  2. Huntw

    WTS LvL 1 Legion Epic Boe on EU

    Welded Hardskin Helmet(Plate) = 14 armor 5 str/5 int 7 stam 6 crit 3 vers :D Comment offers
  3. Huntw

    WTS Legion 35 LvL Boe EU

    Demar's Band of Amore +15 stam +50 mastery -> Ring
  4. Huntw

    WTS 25 LvL Legion Boes EU

    Fran's Intractable Loop +10 stam + 32 haste -> ring x2 Queen Yh'saerie's Pendant +10 stam +18 haste +14 mastery --> necks Eyasu's Mulligan 11 int , socket , on use: after 5 sec you get 73 of a random secondary stat for 20 sec you may reactivate it once within 5 sec for an other granted...
  5. Adamantite Battlegear set for Fury Warrior/Frost DK

    Just wanted to show off a cool three piece set for these two classes (though any class can wear them and benefit, but the benefit shines most on dual-wielding classes) The adamantite battlegear is a three piece blacksmith set from TBC with full sockets, and above average strength and stam. The...
  6. PTR Relic of the Past V Weapon alternatives

    There are a total of 6 craftable weapons that have procs and can be increased to iLvl 100, two of which are one handed (probably ok in off hand for specs like Outlaw rogue?) while the other four are two-handed (there's a 5th but the proc is bugged and shows as 0 second duration) Phantom Blade...
  7. Somfas

    General PRE SL Theorycrafting

    THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT BASED ON CURRENT NUMBERS. PLEASE USE CAUTION AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I don't want someone to come nerdrage on the forums or in game or on my stream saying how I am totally stupid and ruined their toons by posting this. So please, don't make me punch myself in the...
  8. Diibzee

    Free level boost

    So i have a free level boost sitting around on my account from my original BFA purchase I am thinking of finally using. With that being the case what exactly are my choices here? I see 110 twinks, I see 111 twinks and I see 119 twinks.. I know the obvious answer of "well your base stats are...
  9. Diibzee

    Warrior Helm help?

    I'm pretty much wondering what will have more value on my 49 arms/furry warrior between three helms. Steel Plate Helm - 23 armor + 22 str + 22 vers Compared to Helm of the executioner - 29 armor + 15 str + 22 stam + 8 crit + 11 haste...
  10. TGuigz

    EU+US Chain Link Towel

    Is the Chain Link Towel still obtainable and scales correctly? Wondering if anyone has snagged one from the Rescue OOX-22/FE! questline recently. Thanks :)
  11. US Prot Pally Help.

    I'm currently in the process of making a Protection Paladin to run IEs for folks. I was wondering if anyone could help me with possible builds, gear, and best consumables to be taking with me. Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated!
  12. Classic 20-29 Guide and Discussion

    Hey all here is a guide I have just finished editing for Classic take a peak.
  13. QuTy

    EU 30-39 EU Twinking Community

    Hello Guys, Today I have made a New Community Group Called "ThirtyNineWarlords" Anyone is Allowed to Join who own's a Twink! This Group is Mainly for: Arenas, Battleground's, Dungeon Run's to gear and obv. Alot of fun. Im Always up for New Friends and getting to know new People accross the...
  14. Stat Priority question for 60 Prot Warrior

    Hi there, I'm pretty new to twinking. I have a level 60 prot warrior that has been level locked for a while for the sake of helping friends with dungeons. Lately I've been wanting to gear her out, as I don't want to keep using heirlooms. I'm a bit confused about what my stat priority should be...
  15. necroaqua

    19 Quick Start Gearing Guide [BfA]

    Join XPOFF Discord Here XPOFF Community US Horde: Link US Horde 2: Link US Alliance: Link -- EU Horde: Link EU Alliance: Link Latest updates: [Oct 2019] - Interest in retail 19s has dropped with the separate queues and classic. I haven't been playing and am putting updates on hold. BG crate...
  16. Best in Slot Repository

    [WORK IN PROGRESS] With enchants and gear working in Instanced PvP again, I thought I should make a list of Best in Slot gear for Mages, since that is what I'm playing. However, I realized that this is only scratching the surface for us, so I wanted to start compiling a list for everyone. If...
  17. BIS gear index for 29's World PvP

    Lets make a BIS gear index for 29's for world pvp. Since gear stats have changed quite a bit it would be a good idea if we made a list of the best in slot gear for each class outside of arenas and bg's. I'm going to start doing my research and update this thread as I acquire new information...
  18. EU+US Suffix items

    Anyone know if these will be grandfathered in BfA ? I'm working on the assumption they will be, been buying "of Power" greens for my Horde monk, to make a glass cannon set. Might be an issue having enough stam to make it at all viable?
  19. Sun

    US 39's Armory List

    Join XPOFF Discord Here XPOFF Community US Horde: Link US Alliance: Link Warrior Arms Rogral (H) Vilhjálmur (A) Fury Jwlv (A) Coðl (A) Stinkmeàner (H) Hamslamwich (H) Omniçide (H) Enno (H) Furyisop (H) Gnarlie (H) Warork (H) Protection Paladin Protection Retribution Holyswinger (A)...
  20. icehawk

    EU+US Patch 7.3 gear changes for 20's

    With the recent changes in 7.3, I was hoping to get a list of gear changes all in the one place. If you are aware of any changes to BiS gearing, please post and I'll try keep this thread updated. This relates to 20's only. I don't have a lot of toons, so I can only report what I've found on...