
  1. KPI

    Short Simple Update on ZG Enchants. (Use at own Risk)

    https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/any-plan-to-fix-zg-encahnts/501804/4 Blizzard Blue
  2. Cattywompus

    EU+US PSA: Naga hide

    Good morning, my dudes! At some point yesterday naga hide was stealth fixed to only proc from dodge's and parrys, it no longer procs from attacks. It's now working as intended. Enjoy!
  3. What do you want to see for sale?

    Hello! I am not a twink, but I love running old content and crafting stuff, so I've found myself a natural candidate for a twink enchanter! If you're on Dragonmaw/Akama/Mug'thol, you may have bought some of my stuff! I'm curious what sort of enhancements twinks want to buy. Are there any...
  4. Cattywompus

    US Terokkar LW and Enchanter.

    Checking in to see if anyone here plays on terokkar US and can make glove reinforcements and enchant stealth to cloak. It's been damn near impossible spamming trade! Shoot me a message if you have any of these! Ty!
  5. 30-39 WW Monk Help 39

    Looking for a list of bis armor and item enhancements thanks!
  6. Training Dummy Weapon Enchants Proc Rates

    Thought I'd make a new thread specifically for some Weapon Enchants Testing. All tests done on a 19 WW Monk on a Raiders training dummy at Summer's Rest, Pandaria. Gear is same on each test except for Weapons / Weapon Enchants. All tests over 5 minutes - because I'm not a robot rotation will...
  7. Anyone has a warrior item guide?

    Hello! I've been playing pallys and rogue for the 2 last expansions. I've just came back from 1 year break. I wanted to know if anyone had a warrior guide? In terms of enchantments / gear / pots etc! Best Regards, Cyrex