
  1. LF 20 Twinks on Stormscale (US) and Connected Realms

    Look for 20 Twinks for farming / trading / dungeon runs on Stormscale and connected realms Frostwolf, Vashj, Drak'Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone Contact me via battletag Veryscary#1994
  2. Gryffon

    Not able to loot boss when getting run through instance

    Its been around for awhile that if you dont tag the boss in an instance as the person getting run through an instance you might not get the loot. However, recently it seems to have gotten to the point where you NEED to tag the boss in order to get the loot. Is anyone else seeing this as well...
  3. Magrain

    LFG (Dungeon Runs)

    Would gladly appreciate if theres a group to do Eye of Azshara and/or TBC dungeons (Shadow Labrynth and The Mechanar). Currently i cant use the Chronormu Time-Walking to easily que up, only limited to Dazar'alor and Freehold instances. (Magrain-Kel'thuzad) Thank you in advance.
  4. Slynx

    EU+US Glitch that may allow f2p druids to access 'inaccessible' zones

    May have stumbled on a potentially useful glitch for druids to get to some unusual areas. It seems that if you teleport to Moonglade whilst in a dungeon and in a dungeon queue, you may get kicked out of the queue, and (if dead already?) have your spirit pop up at the closest/normal graveyard to...
  5. DeLindsay

    Dungeons (old XPacs) in Shadowlands

    No TL;DR, simple question. With scaling added to ALL XPacs previous to Shadowlands once it goes Live and 10+ being able to Quest in any of said XPacs, what will the new minimum Level for Dungeons and Raids be for all the old Content? Surely they won't make Players wait until 50 (cap before...
  6. Complete List of Level <20 Dungeon Drops

    One thing I like to do before I get right into BGs on a new char, veteran or f2p, load myself up with dungeon gear as it can be considered a "pre-bg" bis. However, this can be annoying as fuck bouncing from one dungeon to another just to figure out what leather belt will give me one extra vers...
  7. EU Ally Twink Guild - Ravencrest

    Hey guys, firstly thank you for visiting my post. <Demon Twinks> is a new Twink guild looking to expand its current roster. We are looking for Twinks within all level and skills ranges, with any experience being accepted. We aim to create an enjoyable and social environment for our members...
  8. EU Ally Twink Guild - Ravencrest

    Hey guys, firstly thank you for visiting my post. <Demon Twinks> is a new Twink guild looking to expand its current roster. We are looking for Twinks within all level and skills ranges, with any experience being accepted. We aim to create an enjoyable and social environment for our members...
  9. EU 80-89 Community

    Me and Firemaniac noticed during a boost run for our 80 twinks in ICC that the mobs actually hit like trucks now. That made us want to attempt to make a community and eventually a guild för those 80s out there who want to see if a legacy raid group could clear the old WOTLK raids. 80-89 are also...
  10. Asylum

    saturday stealth runs

    anyone interested in getting some druid & rogue groups together to do quick dungeon stealth runs on saturdays? drop a link to your stealth toons.
  11. EU+US Dungeon clears 101

    I was just wondering about how many instance clears everyone has on their 101 twinks, Currently this writing moment I have 4,750 and would be interesting to know how many everyone else has! Cheers! Add WilliamH#21844 for AP farming EU Horde!