We are the worlds only level 30 Guild(s)/Community looking to recruit further. We have all the guides and knowledge there is to the bracket, have all the world first raids for the bracket, offer FREE Herald of the Titans titles, have seasonal Dungeon Tournaments that are even sponsored by...
Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/xp-gains-from-pvp-in-wrath-classic/1304907
Semi-fresh news straight from Blizzard's mouth:
Apparently, this news has been received with mixed reactions, with some saying that twinks ruin low level pvp. I, for one, am happy that all the people...
Stop giving money to a company that doesn't care about you. Please!
If you want to keep playing WoW, make some level 20 twinks and let your game time run out. OR hop on a private server.
We have tried to make posts, make videos, get the community together, etc, and Blizz just ignores the...
"Can we get any confirmation how it trickles down to lower level PvP? Still static 0.1%?"
"Low levels are currently set to the same scaling values as level 110. The baseline item level is different for each bracket. It is approximately the ilevel of an heirloom item at the max level for each...
60 Twinking @Ravencrest
(For some reason I can't type "Twi nk" and instead becomes "tinkering"
I have finally decided to take care of the current problem of 60 twinking (at least try).
We've had so many discussions about what to do and what is the actual problem but none really did...