Hello Twinks! Come play... We are looking forward to full groups with the upcoming people... We offer help with gear and advice... (30's, 40's & 50's)!
Warlords of Warsong is the most active twink guild in the game, on Mankrik Horde. We have recently created a 19 guild on Pagle - Alliance with hopes to bring Alliance into the community events that we host weekly! Another big goal that we have for this Alliance branch of Warlords of Warsong is...
Introducing a new PvP event for lvl20 twinks! :p
Alliance and Horde will fight in the arenas of the Hellfire Peninsula (Outland).
Thursday 7 July
Join the WoW20 Discord. Check the channel event-info...
Hey! We are a new level 19 twink guild looking to get a good group together. We are accepting all classes and are gladly welcoming new characters and help those gear and level. We are also looking to start a level 29 group as well! If you are looking to start something new or have been in the...
Recruiting more 29 degenerates for sweaty vs sweaty twink pvp.
Core players have experience with the bracket from original vanilla through to BFA. We can help with power leveling and gearing toons that wish to start fresh. Meme specs are encouraged; Full arcane spell damage stacked mage for...
Hello there!
<Tiesto Power Mix> Alliance side on Incendius is currently looking for more players!
Our current roster holds 20+ 29 twinks along with a few 19s and 39s.
We plan to add premades in the 39 bracket in the next several weeks.
We currently run premades in the afternoons/evenings and...
Hey guys,
<Defiers of Defeat> is recruiting, with over 100 characters across 19, 29, 39 and 49 brackets.
Completed twinks by bracket:
19: ~30 Players
29: ~10 Players
39: ~20 Players
49: ~10 Players
We have an active discord where we just @19 etc. to let people know we are queuing.
Send me a...
I have decided one of the twinks that I would enjoy playing the most is a 29 ret. Unfortunately my characters, and gold, are on the horde side of incendius. If anybody is interested in helping me gear up a ret pally, or trade gold on any ally server for gold on incendius, please let me know. :)
I want to bring the community together so I created a discord. Its for anything really but Id like to get bg groups going. Please join if interested: https://discord.gg/6Q7R4Z
*TLDR: If you queue with XP-OFF in the new BG on Tuesday, everyone will be in the same queue! If you want to do the other BGs, you MUST PARTY SYNC! Use the communities below to do that!*
With the 15th anniversary event coming this Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to get in on the BG action...
A list of Classic guilds who will be premading:
Dominate - Fairbanks
Revolution - Grobbulus
Authorized Personnel - Stalagg
Dominate - Skarem
HAVOC - Herod
Us Nerd - Old Blanchy
Let's get some more names up here.
Need someone to do the enchant glitch on some BoE shoulders really fast as I’m running low on game time, drop your btag or send me a meaaage on here or add my btag Erdo#2846. FAST!!!!!
Didn't find any list for this so i thought i'd go ahead and make one. I will be focusing on warrior mainly fury/arms. Might drop a couple of shields in there. All these items is at ilevel 31. Most items scale the same for level 20 aswell, so don't be afraid to use it for a level 20.
Have I...
The Invasion of Fenris Isle
Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners is proud to announce The Invasion of Fenris Isle, a World PvP Event held on Saturday July 13th on Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forrest. In this event we will combine The 19, 20, and 29 Brackets into one huge battle for...
What am i selling? ->
1x -
1x -
2x -
1x -
I am open to offers! - Find me in-game on - FalcoN#23701 -
Good afternoon everyone,
I wanted to request some advice from the veteran community here for some basic and/or advanced strategies for flag carrying in 19s. Since my return to the community I've been making a solid effort to give every role I can a solid shot, and proper FCing has been on my...