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  1. Cyanerds


    G00d to see you back man, nice to see this site finaly doing ONE good deed.
  2. Cyanerds

    Highest 2s raiting atm

    Myself since s10
  3. Cyanerds

    70 Twink Tournamnet with a prize!!

    Hacked twinkinfo account apparently, i will not be signing up for this tournament way 2 easy gold, wanna make it fair for rest of you.
  4. Cyanerds

    R.I.P Rngmonsterx

    Well done RY RY, the bracket turned even more utterly shit after patch..
  5. Cyanerds


    disapointing, ended @
  6. Cyanerds


    So i decided to try push r1 in the 70, 2vs bracket ( on my rogue, already r1 on my priest ) here the last night of the season, made a new team a few hours ago, currently @ 2449, and i am asking you to queue..... PROOF YOUR WORTH!
  7. Cyanerds

    Razzerz has left the building

    I agree must be mad to talk to you on a daily basis. GL @ 90 atleast you are gonna be playing when rogues are at a decent state
  8. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Cheers, some people say i look like a mix between a greek god and some of the most beautiful male models in the world, i personally do not have an opinion.
  9. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    lol how did u get that, pretty sure my friend ( Qulcark ) is using that as his twitch banner
  10. Cyanerds

    Lewis Teague

    How i understood this was, he farmed you on his alt, thereafter you got pissed and whined about FOTM even tho you play FOTM yourself, and you began acting really weird atleast according to the skype logs he linked me, again i am completely neutral here.
  11. Cyanerds

    LF Yow / Steve

    [16:41:40] Mikeross: This Satina dickhead [16:41:48] Mikeross: wants to do get in contact with you [16:41:54] Vaginaface: lold [16:42:10] Vaginaface: neilyo88 can fuck off tbh m8 [16:42:20] Mikeross: this is why you are my bro [16:42:20] Mikeross: bro ( Vaginaface is Ste )
  12. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Almost as good as Bobx since you are called Dennis irl
  13. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    They don't call me Trialross for nothing
  14. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    yes my recuperate had a hard time outhealing it, or did you mean that random baboon i found in durotar, that ran confused around =)
  15. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Did more damage than me
  16. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures. Capping my blue geared alt rogue getting it rdy for next season, such a small world =)
  17. Cyanerds

    Synced / Lancegodx 70 Stream

    Rofl nah
  18. Cyanerds

    Prot Specs not able to que Arena in 5.4

    Incorrect, that does not mean icelance is getting buffed by 63%, that's like saying backstab damage is getting buffed by 10% because of Prey on the Weak.
  19. Cyanerds

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    ^ i liked that