Lewis Teague


Lewis Teague, our beloved friend and mentor, has turned to the dark side. I suspect that this tragedy occurred as a result of the strain from playing warlock/disc and monk/spriest, and facing countless hunter and paladin comps.

Feel free to join us in the live tribute at my stream:
How i understood this was, he farmed you on his alt, thereafter you got pissed and whined about FOTM even tho you play FOTM yourself, and you began acting really weird atleast according to the skype logs he linked me, again i am completely neutral here.
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How i understood this was, he farmed you on his alt, thereafter you got pissed and whined about FOTM even tho you play FOTM yourself, and you began acting really weird atleast according to the skype logs he linked me, again i am completely neutral here.
Not quite, but close :)
Me and Lecro queued some hunter/disc for lols, and happened to queue into Lewis playing mw/spriest a couple of times. Now obviously, hunter/disc is a much stronger comp that mw/sp, so we had the advantage and ended up winning the games. After this, Lewis logged his prot paladin and queued with some random disc priest, whether to snipe us or just cause he was bored of playing weaker comps I can't say, but we faced them a couple of times and went about equal in terms of win/loss vs each other. Since there is a running joke that Lewis is a fotm reroller (despite the fact that he plays basically every comp imaginable), I jokingly accused him of becoming a fotm player. The next day, he logged onto his prot pala and played some prot/prot games, which seeded the idea that the virtuous spirit of the anti-fotm Lewis had died, thus spawning the tribute.

so all in all, no real drama here :)

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