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  1. If you had the power.....

    I was reading this thinking...hmm, sounds like GW2. GW2 looks really good, can't wait for it. Since Yasueh's addons have made grouping so much easier, I'd say the one thing I'd like is to be able to mail stuff to different characters on our account. I'm logging in less and less as...
  2. How would you balance PvP

    I saw the news on the front page shortly after that post (I don't read the front page much as you can tell). Taking away the melee slot & removing min range makes a lot more sense than what I originally thought. So if I'm understanding that correctly, no more melee for hunters, but no more...
  3. How would you balance PvP

    Wait...what? So they're removing melee classes best (reads only) advantage against Hunters in PVP? Great...
  4. Getting LFD groups to do Serra Kis

    Hated getting those. Tried for a bit, then gave up because I was sick and tired of running BFD only to have my group skip Serra'kis...or have them not drop...or lose a roll on them. Such a pain in the ass. In the end, I just ran it a few times a day (as much as I could stomach), until...
  5. There is no such thing as "Pool Stealing"

    I'd stay away from any pool I'm fishing in...cause those pools don't have shit for rare fish in them.
  6. Swtor?

    Hmm...I've been thinking SWTOR...but those GW2 movies look pretty sweet. Decisions, decisions, decisions...
  7. Ask Blizz 4 'The Gnoll King' the same treatment as 'Taragaman the Hungerer' .

    Simple solution (easy to say, not quite as easy to actually implement, but...), give Horde something on par with the eyepatch that's relatively easily obtainable. Let's face it, the Lucky Fishing Hat is nice, but it's a bitch to get, and it's the only realistic option for the Horde. WB Fishing...
  8. How do you deal with hunters?

    I switched it up from Sub to Assassination for shits & giggles. You have to stay on top of hunters, and use evasion more liberally to make up for not having shadow step. I've killed the occasional pet just out of spite, but giving a hunter free reign on you while you burn through their pet...
  9. F2P PvP server?

    I leveled a rogue on Smolderthorn. Nice because it's in the same battle group as AP. Back when I had an account I always ran on PVP servers, but these days there isn't much world PVP, outside of getting ganked in STV. There just isn't that much action in the lowbie zones. The chat &...