Drayner said:Talk me into why this game should be my next MMORPG?
Oliks said:Play swtor or dont its your loss on what appears to be an awesome game..
Any1 know if they have made a realease date yet?
Turdel said:
Medan, do you have any clue if you will be able to invite people into ur spaceship?
Cause i will buy collectors edition, so im hoping for cool stuff to pimp out ma crib.
Bah who said Blizzard got comfy with being number one?v Every time there was a so called WoW killer in the works blizzard would rip off the stuff from those games and add it to WoW before position was released.
Biggest exapmle i can come up with is WAR, with ability to queue for BGs from anywhere any time, BAM its in wow now isn't it.
Am sure that with Aeon and Rift blizzard ripped some stuff of into wow as well.
Now comes SWTOR with its old school like wow talent tries, and this time around Blizzard decides to go ahead and make their trees completely different hoping that new fresh trees will be more interesting to players then SWTORs old school ones.
If you are grouped with somone you can invite them to your personal spaceship, I am 100% sure.
There is a VIP place in the main city that only collectors edition people can go to, there they have a special store. I dont think it offers anything for ship though.
Digital edition and CE people get flare, wich is pretty cool to signal where you are Shoots HIGH up in the air
Ye i know about the store
Now im just hoping my swtor collectors wont be soldout where im buying, cause i just got told, that i cannot get 1 putted aside -.-, and i dont have the 200eu before next month.. -.-