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  1. Does Twink Info gain anything from the level 24 members?

    I agree with this, the F2P section should be renamed 20-24 especially since there is a precedent with the other forums. For example: 15-19 Bracket > 10-14 Bracket Therefore should be: 25-29 Bracket >20-24 Bracket
  2. Less than 24 hours till AB weekend
  3. Does Twink Info gain anything from the level 24 members?

    Okay say I roll a 20 that abides by f2p rules am I allowed to post in the F2P area? I want to avoid infractions so want to try to stay within rules but not sure where the line is drawn since it's kind of a gray area. Like for example say my level 20 is in the same guild as my 24 can I still...
  4. Streaming AB Weekend

    Mucka Mad Boys #1 What you going to do, when MMB come for you?
  5. Show your 24s.

    This ^ lol10char
  6. New to 20-24.. need help :o Welcome to the party pal :)
  7. Not caping after 2-0 to farm GY

    have solution for p2p ppl on horde side, roll 24 after you make 20 so that alliance idiots is farming gy games then you can get on 24 and make them stop. encourage you friend do same, make strong the community. that will learn them. :oops:
  8. Less than 24 hours till AB weekend

    Hmmm AB weekend :o Time to do something about these Alliance Hunters and Pallies? May have to delay the vacation a couple days. ;) The Horde will have it's revenge for all the Graveyard farming the Alliance has done to us, our brothers and...
  9. Hey guys!

    lol 10charslol
  10. Get back to lvl 29 twinks.

    I agree everyone should roll 20s or 24s it's the most active bracket right now.
  11. This bracket

    This loltenchar
  12. This bracket

    Hate to break it to you, but no one is interested in convincing you or making anything make sense to you. If you haven't figured that out yet then I don't know what to tell you. :)
  13. This bracket

    Hear Hear! We Que at various times around the clock, if you are horde feel free to join us on Mayhem vent so that we can synch ques: 44661 hockey Also we've decided to open our doors to any interested level 20 twinks that wish to join the < Mucka Mad Boys > guild...
  14. LVL Warrior?

    capped for fury.
  15. Show your 24s.

    Grr still mad I put down a searing totem by accident :/
  16. This bracket

    I like Rehook, now that's a F2P that knows how to gear. Oh and Chesky #1 F2P Pally FC. ;)
  17. Show your 24s.

    LOL. People are rolling 24s because its fun, either be a part of the fun or be part of the chum·ming and QQ, not much else to say. Man I hate level 20s come in our thread and try to troll us. :D