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  1. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    hey it'th pithza
  2. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

  3. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    learn to read pizza, i said in my <3. hahaha, WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE THE BEST THAT EVER LIVED BROOOOOO hahaha sorry i don't keep SS' from years ago LOL
  4. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    it's like that? =/
  5. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    Sorry, maybe I should have stated all that information before, I guess I was just hoping all of my old friends would come out of the woodwork and be like ayeee let's play! but uhm, I originally played on Shadowmoon, with my guild <O M G> then my first priest Nerfmurlocks on Laughing Skull with...
  6. If you played 19s 07-09 what's up?

    Been a while since I talked to some people from then, so if you're still out there lemme know! -Shizant/Nerfmurlocks.
  7. 1.3speed dagger with icy for mages?

    The time it takes to do this. You could just Frostbolt them.
  8. Maelstrom/Pym's epic new video:

    Very clever. Oh wait....
  9. Maelstrom/Pym's epic new video:

    IRONIC AS FUCK!!!1111!11 Wouldn't you say?
  10. Maelstrom/Pym's epic new video:

    They may try, but justice will be served!
  11. Maelstrom/Pym's epic new video:

    Nah, I shall post where ever I will. I may have took a spot about buying something really really cheap that isn't supposed to be but it's otay....
  12. Maelstrom/Pym's epic new video:

    and without further ado... Maelstroms Epic Video
  13. Any Point making a twink?

    and takes less skill.
  14. I'm uhh, looking for a transfer. (I'm broke as fuuuuck!) :(

    I'd be pretty happy to be with such an established guild. This is taking for time and effort than I though :( I'll be sure to talk to someone :D thanks for the reply.
  15. I'm uhh, looking for a transfer. (I'm broke as fuuuuck!) :(

    Yeah, I myself have taken much interest in my 80. I love 80 PvP more than anything. 2s,3s, WSG, and AB are the best thing since, well, you get it. A lot better than 70 was, I think anyway. although 60 was hawwwwt. but I think I only miss it because I can't have it anymore. I want to be...
  16. I'm uhh, looking for a transfer. (I'm broke as fuuuuck!) :(

    thanks for the heads up. glad to see people from vengeance are still up and running :)
  17. I'm uhh, looking for a transfer. (I'm broke as fuuuuck!) :(

    It's a long story and I really don't feel like explaining it to some random person for the 9485748784th time. Sorry.
  18. I'm uhh, looking for a transfer. (I'm broke as fuuuuck!) :(

    Also in my time you camped GY's and farmed while holding flag. I had a reason to treat you with hostility. May it be right or wrong, I had a reason. So as much as I don't care about that anymore, I'm willing to call a truce if you are. But in all fairness, I'll admit, I was full of myself...