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  1. My thoughts on hunter changes

    I'm not a game designer and have no inclinations for that. I dont think in terms of abilities and cooldowns but rather in statistical terms. If on average twink bgs are populated in a proportion of 80% with these 4 classes then there's an obvious problem. How to balance them it's a totally...
  2. My thoughts on hunter changes

    Killing a 1.5k HP twink withing 2 GCD would take a dps of around 400. I don't think that's possible for any class at lvl 19 considering best burst scenario. Best hunters I've seen can maintain a steady 90-100 dps throughout a bg, being on par with rogues. At low levels, bgs are a game of...
  3. LF Realm to F2P on! Maybe a guild

    F2p are here to stay. We have come to ruin your fabulous bracket. QQ! Except for the enchants (weapon, chest, cloak, bracers, gloves and boots) there no much difference between f2p and normal twinks. I expect to have 1.4k HP after getting the fishing hat and 2xAGMs. Currently running at 1k HP...
  4. LF Realm to F2P on! Maybe a guild

    Considering that for most of wow life 19 twinks smashed lvling chars, I find hard to believe the exclusivity that twinks manage to display now towards f2p chars that have joined the "xp stopped" bracket. Not to mention that f2p chars are somewhat better than the unaware lvl 10 newb discovering...
  5. how to gett a GM to transfer my boa helm and cloack to another realm.

    And I assume asking a GM to put the items in my bags will not be considered, correct?
  6. how to gett a GM to transfer my boa helm and cloack to another realm.

    I know that it's a long shot but worth trying; Can u send BoA items to a trial account? The two wow accounts in question are under the same account. Also my main account (the one with the BoAs) is suspended.