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  1. Fri-Sun july 15-17 10pm wsg.

    are 14s frowned apon in these queues? if not i can queue on my 14 druid, foreign, alliance
  2. 2s and 3s 19 twink arena video

    nice vid, i liked it but holy shit you hit that hunter hard at the end
  3. What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

    its the prophetic prophecy of huntarded huntards hunting down the hunted with guns and shit duckhunt predicted this in BiS report 3 owait
  4. Alliance BGs

    It seems during the day the alliance is lacking the essential setup for decent pugs in BGs, there are just a TON of 900 health randoms. But at night, it seems everyone just wakes up and queues on their fully geared twinks, ready for action. Is 19 alliance nocturnal or something?
  5. Extinct GY farming is fun.

    Zirs a gurl??????????????????????????

    19 twinks were really popular back in the day and the stats scaled perfect, the community was competitive and we had 30+ minute games in pugs. The play was just real back then, and I think people downplay 19 right now due to older players miss the slower paced play. But in all honesty, I think I...
  7. How to Balance 19s - v2.0

    hand of freedom, nature's grasp, remove disengage problems solved
  8. I hear warrior is the new OP class now

    wat just happened
  9. BiS 14 Resto Druid

    thanks! but does crit scale very well at 14? and what do you think for boots?
  10. BiS 14 Resto Druid

    Anyone know what is BiS? Current gear: Foreign @ Silvermoon - Game - World of Warcraft Edit: working on stendel's, AGM, and fishing hat.
  11. Shamans.Enhancement. weapon Qs and Race Qs

    what this dude said ^
  12. Why no Ret Paladins?!

    i be makin a ret pallorz dis summ0rz
  13. New warsong jump

    omg mods remove thread quick before world ends!