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  1. 74 Blood DK BiS?

    Cheers for the link, so thats 100% bis you think? And with glyphs what do you switch to depending on the comp?
  2. 74 Blood DK BiS?

    Hey guys, I'm making a 74 Blood dk, if anyone has a link to a bis 74 blood dk or knows what they should gem/prioritize on their stats etc, leave a post below. Cheers :)
  3. Druid Gearing Help! please

    hey guys, im lvling a druid to 70 hes 66 at the moment and hes honor capped and stuff i was wondering if you can link me bis feral and druid battle.nets as its my 1st twink of the bracket. Also if you have any personal loadouts you use id be interested to hear about that Cheers!
  4. Gear help!

    hey guys! im very new to the 70 bracket and i need some help gearing my upcoming enhancement shaman, i was wondering if anyone could give me a good armory link to a shaman or make their own suggestions, it would be very apprieciated! :) im looking for whatever setup would give me max dmg but...
  5. ridiculous unbalance

    whats your problem? lol i said nothing against hunters or priests and nothing really in my post to offend anyone..
  6. ridiculous unbalance

    i recently got back on my 19 twink after a break and did some bgs, my 1st bg i have 5 hunters 3 priests a warlock and a rogue.. and the 2nd bg was 7 hunters 3 priests.. i logged off after the 2nd bg and deleted my twink. i may come back after the hunter nerf in mop.. i guess ill see.
  7. help me make a haste arcane mage please! (chardev)

    14.6k is believeable but 14.6k on AMS? I am going to have to call bullshit sir Edit: i would say is bis because as arcane you get roughly an extra 200 sp for using a mana gem, so 200 ontop of that would be great bonus SP, just an opinion
  8. Tupac Bring Him Back

    i agree, helped me tons with gearing my paladin and from what ive seen is a top bloke Howd he get banned?
  9. Best Professions.

    hah, what i was gonna do is get two bracers, one with 76 SP and one with frost resist, and swap if i come across a mage in arena
  10. [19] Beantown Bullies (A) Recruitment Ore, if i were to finish lvling my mining up to 225, would i be elegible? if not, give me some gear improvements that i could get cheers mate. P.S
  11. Arena season 10 ending question

    Thank F*cking God!!!!! i have a double ret pally team last night both 74... they would just pop wings then both wrath me for 9k each.. got them about 15 times.. im so pissed.
  12. Arena season 10 ending question

    So i read on the forums from a blue post that season 10 is ending near the 15th of november (currently the 11th). Conquest points get turned into honor etc etc. but arena isnt playable during the time period from end of season 10 and implement of 4.3 i was just wondering, are lvl 70s still able...

    omfg lol that was so painful to watch walk then keyboard turn and backpeddle to get some distance between you and the pally and rogue 1 thing that bugged me was a tiger in arena and distracting shot on your bars in arena
  14. New Class

    thanks for that link, but if i were an ele shammy id prolly want more SP, and try to milk as much resil off gear as i can, obvs not going overboard and taking 3 resil over superior base stats, but i would be aiming for maybe 1.5-1.7k hopefully. I Would also love to have maybe 450 resil off...
  15. some more about 5.0 and descision

    i love the crap out of the 70 bracket, and resil is a huge factor in that bracket, would people be running around with OP amounts of resil? also as a sidenote i am against this, just doesnt appeal to me i prefer it off the gear even if it is a small amount of %
  16. 70 Holy Paladin Great pally, if your doing pvp id say lose the intel gems, you dont get mana probelms if you remember to judge as often as possible, mainly focus on survival, also since your human, id go Memento of Tyrande and Noise machine...
  17. Best Professions.

    thats what i have on my weapon, 63 SP.
  18. some more about 5.0 and descision

    resil on 19 gear bad idea imo.
  19. some more about 5.0 and descision

    i keep reading this in numerous MoP twinking posts, would someone care to elaborate? will there be resilience on lvl 19 gear? or just end game gear?
  20. New Class

    LOL im prolly rolling both, DK 1st! i have tested dk out @ 70 and LOVE what i see, i completely destroy in 2s with a solid pally healer, and i like the idea of an ele shammy with some nice SP on him doing hopefully close to 8k lolbursts, most likely im gonna reroll engi till i get tazik shocker...