help me make a haste arcane mage please! (chardev)


can someone please help me make an arcane mage that has

all slots filled with the pvp gear@70

all red slots have 20 int and all yellow slots have 20 haste,

enchant haste were you can and the rest spellpower/int

i tried doing it but chardev is all funky for me, thank you if you do this!
Like most classes/specs, you'd most likely get the best result stacking your primary stat, Intellect, all-out, 20 gems everywhere, Intellect/Spellpower enchants everywhere, And your strongest secondary stat where you cant stick the above mentioned. Ignore socket bonuses, <80 Socket bonuses are worthless.
haste for arcane thats a new one yes go pure int
What is new about arcanes stacking haste? Retardedly fast arcane blasts constantly critting 5k+ on resil? Not bad imo

A healthy balance of intel/haste is great as arcane
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Chrome does support chardev, always has
What is new about arcanes stacking haste? Retardedly fast arcane blasts constantly critting 5k+ on resil? Not bad imo

A healthy balance of intel/haste is great as arcane

In a nutshell; Fast, weak Arcane blasts spend mana 'Retardedly' fast, Whereas Intellect stacked offers more raw damage per blast. In PvE, don't ever sacrifice spellpower for haste, Whereas in pvp, no idea. Arcane mages are arrow 'fodda.
"Fast weak.." stopped reading there. Wouldn't say them "weak" as I've critted 14.6k to a DK with AMS and full PvP gear, I think some of the RNG's DKs can confirm this (LOL!)

Obviously, you should go for intellect / haste depending on your arena team. If your team has good survivability (eg. healers), go for intellect. If you however, trust on fast burst - obviously go for full haste.

You guys who are saying "intellect, intellect, intellect", forget the fact a mage gets insane damage buff by doing 3 ABs in a row, and you get there faster with haste

Ah, i was speaking about PvE, Pvp-wise i honestly don't know what a mage would want, all i know is i get 1-hit by Arc mages, Fire mage dots kill me while they are sitting in their ice cube, And frost fires two FoF'd ice lances at me, i'm not even frozen, kaput. Dead.

And thought satina already attempted to get you to understand whole whole 'intellect, intellect, intellect' thing. Wait, aren't you that mage who actually thought was BiS?

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