some more about 5.0 and descision


Here are some points from the last blue post found on mmo-champ.

-Balancing low level combat will get some extra attention in MoP.

-In 5.0 dispels will have a cooldown and duration more like Counterspell but get all buffs or debuffs at once to make them more tactical. - thats put "balls" in ballance.

-The value of primary stats will move closer to secondary stats, and the value of secondary stats will be brough closer together to make gear choices easier and better. - why not remove the many added througout expansions secondary bullshit stats rather than making them (close to) as primary.

-Resilience as a base stat is to make players who primarily do PvE content able to enter the PvP space with their PvE gear and remain competitive. - Blizzard continue to destroy pvp over pve.

Also as a main class hunter for me i will quote only that:

-Hunters will lose parry as part of the trade-off for losing minimum range. - that's ridiculous. Why a soldier could not parry with his gun or bow? They could make it that way: A successfull parry resets you auto-shot counter. It is logical.

Check for other class info on mmo-champ and add what you like or not.

After all that information over the past few weeks after blizzcon i descided that wow is going down.

I am preordering and waiting for it's slayer. 20 december 2011.

p.s. Bad english is bad
No it will be on both.

This is correct.

If it says it'll become a base stat, it will simply become a base stat.

Your base stats increase the higher level you are. Strength, intellect, stamina for example.

But since resilience stacks in % atm, and your percentages gets lower the higher level you are, I'm guessing you will probably have ~5% resilience without gear and buffs.

For example, at level 1, you have 1 resilience. The resilience percentage is 1%.

At level 2, you have 2 resilience, and the resilience percentage is still 1%.

And so on. I'm not sure if they'll switch the use of resilience in MoP like they did in cata, but this is just some hypothetical thoughts if it stays like it is.
i love the crap out of the 70 bracket, and resil is a huge factor in that bracket, would people be running around with OP amounts of resil?

also as a sidenote i am against this, just doesnt appeal to me i prefer it off the gear

even if it is a small amount of %
i keep reading this in numerous MoP twinking posts, would someone care to elaborate? will there be resilience on lvl 19 gear? or just end game gear?

Basically they will be rebalancing the amount of resilience found on gear (lowering the amount in general) and then giving all players an amount of resilience as a base stat to equal out to what resilience does today. So like if you have 40% damage reduction, 10% of that might move from your gear to your base stats, so you still have 40% reduction, you just don't have as much of a barrier to overcome in pvp.

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