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  1. 100% glasscannon shockadin PVP (just for bg's)

    Any chance I could get link to your pally please? Or even just name/server and I can search it up myself. : )
  2. 100% glasscannon shockadin PVP (just for bg's)

    I am very interested in how much damage this can pull off and how well it works. Please keep us informed. : )
  3. how to be a 1k+ poster

    I just want to be able to browse account sales again.
  4. EU Players

    Mairyhuff - Skullcrusher eu.
  5. F2P 2v2 Arenas with Atychiphobia and Medanx

    Aye I am probably going to go for a rogue. Seeing as they don't have vanish, if my arena partner were to full fear, would Shadowmelt (I believe that's what the n.elf racial is called) stealth work? just curious so I can sap out of fear. Thanks for help :)
  6. F2P 2v2 Arenas with Atychiphobia and Medanx

    At 20 I am currently playing a feral druid though have dipped into Mage, Shaman and Rogue too. I shall eventually get around to leveling and gearing etc on US AP, It's just every time I go to do it, I just end up logging onto my eu 20's. One day, one day...
  7. F2P 2v2 Arenas with Atychiphobia and Medanx

    Very interesting to watch. Am debating on moving over to Aerie Peak US (currently playing EU just for friends sake), I'm just very lazy and would rather step straight into bg's than level and gear lol. Anyway thanks for sharing : ) was cool to watch.
  8. Phauren's Turtle Thread

    Nice video's :3. Though I still can't stop laughing at the 'Bulldog dominating drunk guy'. :' )
  9. leveled my 19

    Tbh, I would compare it more to the 60-64 bracket rather than 15-19..60's request no 61+. It is an unfair battle if 20's are fighting 24's geared out with tons of stuff trials wouldn't be able to obtain. Saying that, even though I will be playing this bracket as a 20, I have no problem with...
  10. Ryan Dunn..Copy off sanitarium

    R.I.P Dewd.<3.
  11. EU BGs now working!

    Anymore pops? kinda curious. In the process of leveling a 60.
  12. BiS 80 PvP Resto sham

    Aye for sure, i certainly will be trying elem offspec. It's my prefered spec tbh. : )
  13. BiS 80 PvP Resto sham

    Awesome, Many thanks for your help.
  14. BiS 80 PvP Resto sham

    Yeah its for arena :), thank you very much for response.
  15. BiS 80 PvP Resto sham

    As title states, I was curious as to whether anyone has a 80 resto pvp sham chardev. Is it worth taking 2 parts from 2 wrathful sets for the resil bonus or does the higher stats from cata outweigh the resil? Thanks.
  16. bestebanker eu thread

    Feet of the Lynx 990g each. Are they really worth that much on some servers?
  17. Help Explain BG XP and Twinking Currently

    Lool i feel sorry for you if its unavail, its been popping for me all day. Umad.
  18. Help Explain BG XP and Twinking Currently

    Lolz, it dosnt matter what server you play. Everyone got merged anyway, but GL HF and take care. Lots of love, from the 'noob'.
  19. Help Explain BG XP and Twinking Currently

    19 and 70 exp off bg's pop daily, all other brackets have set timetables but exp off bg's DO pop. nuff said.
  20. Hai.

    I heard selena lost her V to Justin Bieber. True Story.