Help Explain BG XP and Twinking Currently

I was under the impression that XP off battlegrounds were absolutely dead as we knew it in the x9 days.

Because of that I decided to level up my old 39 priest to a 70 twink since the bracket is very active in my battlegroup. As I've leveled I stop at the final level of the bracket to do a couple of BG's. Amazingly enough I get like 80% of a level in the 40's from a single AV victory. Because of that speed in leveling I have a really basic question.

The players there have had insane enchants on weapons sometimes, I mean still expensive things like Mongoose, Sunfire, Soulfrost on non-boa weapons (Obviously.) and then have several pieces of BOA gear in other slots. They talk about doing match after match so it seems like they're not leveling.

So is there such a thing as any XP off battlegrounds you can actually get a queue for or are these players just spending insane amounts of money on leveling enchants.
Yes XP-off players STILL GET QUEUES! With Cataclysm came merged battlegroups across all of North America, meaning that any player that queues for a battleground can be grouped with anyone else in North America. Because of this, most xp-off brackets have enough to get twink pops, since any twink in North America can join it.
Im so tired of all these lies. Twinking is what maybe u can get 2 bg pops each month= which means twink BGS r dead......yes u can continue put enchants and lvl cap 19,29 39.....etc......but u wont get any bg pops........they have merged bg groups? so what.........didnt help much. 1. Stop lying, XP OFF BGs R DEAD........2. it doesnt matter if u say that some battlegroups get bg pops......cause everybody knows its a lie 3. this is the third acc I have created so stop ban my ACCOUNT FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! TWINKING IN XP OFF BGS R DEAD......yes u can go duel outside orgrimmar......4. EVEN ARENA SKRIMISH IS REMOVED. 5. WARGAMES AKA FAILGAME!
this dude brargh or what his name is writes:

Wargames Works (for now)

Yes it's true! Wargames work now, 2v2 3v3 5v5.

But only when turned XP on! So be aware, to not do anything but wargames once you have paid the fee.

GL and happy Arena!


stoplying said:
Im so tired of all these lies. Twinking is what maybe u can get 2 bg pops each month= which means twink BGS r dead......yes u can continue put enchants and lvl cap 19,29 39.....etc......but u wont get any bg pops........they have merged bg groups? so what.........didnt help much. 1. Stop lying, XP OFF BGs R DEAD........2. it doesnt matter if u say that some battlegroups get bg pops......cause everybody knows its a lie 3. this is the third acc I have created so stop ban my ACCOUNT FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! TWINKING IN XP OFF BGS R DEAD......yes u can go duel outside orgrimmar......4. EVEN ARENA SKRIMISH IS REMOVED. 5. WARGAMES AKA FAILGAME!

Enjoy your ban, because you're the one lying.

OP, as you can see in my signature, Ante was a relatively inactive character until the Cataclysm BG merge, but has been XP off for a few years. The character was around 500 HK's before I was actually able to play with her once again, now she's at 5k (and climbing,) and I almost have all of the Warsong Gulch achievements done.

Brackets other than 19 and 70 collaborate together on the official World of Warcraft battlegrounds forum. You may have to go back a page or two, but you can usually find a thread titled with your bracket listing information on Q times. From what I understand since many people were deterred pre-Cataclysm, they went inactive -- all brackets are currently in a regrowth period. As your post indicates, many players don't understand the current status of twinking, but this will change within the next year I'd bet.

The 15-19 and 70-74 brackets are very active and you can pretty much expect to get into games with relative ease after the 9-5 workers get off (or kids get out of school.)

Alternatively if you level new characters you will see a lot of players running with enchanted BoA gear. At level 10-14, you may seem some level 10 twinks, since gear like a Drangui with +15 resilience is OP, yet still unbound and able to be mailed to other characters. XP-on leveling can be mostly slowed by pretty much just leaving before the game is won and similar stuff. It kinda sucks IMO. Whatever floats your boat though.
u say: Alternatively if you level new characters you will see a lot of players running with enchanted BoA gear.

YES thats what we r duscissuing NON XP BGS!

fuckin scrub noob :) L2 READ!
gaymasters who giveout bans cause they cant handle the truth : NON XP BGS DOESNT EXIST! shouldnt be admins! Remember what democracy stands for.
this guys asks:

So is there such a thing as any XP off battlegrounds you can actually get a queue? AND IM ANSWERING THE Q! no u cant get any NON XP bgs to POP! aka twinking is non xp BGS R DEAD!
I dont see the point lying to ppl: what if this guy buys a new 2 month fee sub......he maks e a char maybe a lvl 70. gets all brutal gear and ring neck...etc and he cant get any bgs to pop? are u gonna say then.......twinking in BGS with XP OFF is not dead.......its just broken?

u ppl have been lying since they implented XP into bgs! since cata u have been saying: they r gonna merge bgs.....twinking is back! But that wasnt the case we can see didnt fix XP OFF BGS:.........its the same......twinking in bg XP OFF is dead.....
Lolz, it dosnt matter what server you play. Everyone got merged anyway, but GL HF and take care. Lots of love, from the 'noob'.
are u stupid BoxxyIsQueen? IM in queue for XP OFF 19@ DRAENOR EU right says BGS whos the dumb fuck now`? YES ITS U STUPID FUCK BROWNIE. are u gonna do the "its broken" thing now? no. BGS With XP OFF doesnt EXISTanymore !
Keep it civil, to those of you who are relatively new to our forums you should understand that we like to keep them cleaner than the official battle net forums. To that end we do not appreciate people using expletives or flame to "strengthen" their arguments.
stoplying said:
Im so tired of all these lies. Twinking is what maybe u can get 2 bg pops each month= which means twink BGS r dead......yes u can continue put enchants and lvl cap 19,29 39.....etc......but u wont get any bg pops........they have merged bg groups? so what.........didnt help much. 1. Stop lying, XP OFF BGs R DEAD........2. it doesnt matter if u say that some battlegroups get bg pops......cause everybody knows its a lie 3. this is the third acc I have created so stop ban my ACCOUNT FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! TWINKING IN XP OFF BGS R DEAD......yes u can go duel outside orgrimmar......4. EVEN ARENA SKRIMISH IS REMOVED. 5. WARGAMES AKA FAILGAME!

stoplying said:
this dude brargh or what his name is writes:

Wargames Works (for now)

Yes it's true! Wargames work now, 2v2 3v3 5v5.

But only when turned XP on! So be aware, to not do anything but wargames once you have paid the fee.

GL and happy Arena!



stoplying said:
u say: Alternatively if you level new characters you will see a lot of players running with enchanted BoA gear.

YES thats what we r duscissuing NON XP BGS!

fuckin scrub noob :) L2 READ!

stoplying said:
this guys asks:

So is there such a thing as any XP off battlegrounds you can actually get a queue? AND IM ANSWERING THE Q! no u cant get any NON XP bgs to POP! aka twinking is non xp BGS R DEAD!

stoplying said:
I dont see the point lying to ppl: what if this guy buys a new 2 month fee sub......he maks e a char maybe a lvl 70. gets all brutal gear and ring neck...etc and he cant get any bgs to pop? are u gonna say then.......twinking in BGS with XP OFF is not dead.......its just broken?

u ppl have been lying since they implented XP into bgs! since cata u have been saying: they r gonna merge bgs.....twinking is back! But that wasnt the case we can see didnt fix XP OFF BGS:.........its the same......twinking in bg XP OFF is dead.....

stoplying said:
19 does POP DAILY? so why are DRAENOR EU @ 19 xp off DEAD THEN? BoxxyIsQueen = noob

stoplying said:
BoxxyIsQueen = troll

stoplying said:
are u stupid BoxxyIsQueen? IM in queue for XP OFF 19@ DRAENOR EU right says BGS whos the dumb fuck now`? YES ITS U STUPID FUCK BROWNIE. are u gonna do the "its broken" thing now? no. BGS With XP OFF doesnt EXISTanymore !

u mad?

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