F2P 2v2 Arenas with Atychiphobia and Medanx

Hello there. Just wanted to throw out my videos here on Twinkinfo. I'm very new to video editing using Sony Vegas and just tried it out with some cool games. There are 8 different videos:

All videos have HD (720p)

Game 1: F2P Arena Game 1 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

Game 2 (NOTE: with music): F2P Arena Game 2 Resto Shaman POV (With Music) - YouTube

Game 3: F2P Arena Game 3 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

Game 4: F2P Arena Game 4 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

Game 5: F2P Arena Game 5 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

Game 6: F2P Arena Game 6 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

Game 7: F2P Arena Game 7 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

Game 8: F2P Arena Game 8 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube


Atychiphobia (resto shaman) and Medanx (rogue).

Opponents: Mialu (frost mage) and Jazzmusic (disc priest)

We played around 20 games and frapsed nearly all, although I mostly took games when we won. We won around 60% of the games and when we lose it's nothing fun to see, for instance, someone do a mistake and then we die. I know things I could've done better but an excuse is good to have ^^ - New computer and new macros.

I also want to thank Mialu and Jazzmusic because without you guys we couldn't have this awesome footage.

I hope the videos can inspire others to join the F2P community at Aerie Peak US and play some arenas with us. I will probably upload some more arena videos in the future if we meet competitive players.

Please leave a reply and tell me about what you think, Thanks!
Priests at 20 do so much damage, if he had played more offensively and the mage actually landed his focus CS's (if it wasn't just tabbing, lol) they would've won a good amount of games they didn't.
Chanka said:
Priests at 20 do so much damage, if he had played more offensively and the mage actually landed his focus CS's (if it wasn't just tabbing, lol) they would've won a good amount of games they didn't.

Yeah I know, both of us did some mistakes and the mage was frost instead of arcane. That means he didn't have the improve CS which means alot against a resto shaman.
Very interesting to watch. Am debating on moving over to Aerie Peak US (currently playing EU just for friends sake), I'm just very lazy and would rather step straight into bg's than level and gear lol. Anyway thanks for sharing : ) was cool to watch.
BoxxyIsQueen said:
Very interesting to watch. Am debating on moving over to Aerie Peak US (currently playing EU just for friends sake), I'm just very lazy and would rather step straight into bg's than level and gear lol. Anyway thanks for sharing : ) was cool to watch.

If you like arena, GOGO US (AS)AP.

What classes you play?
At 20 I am currently playing a feral druid though have dipped into Mage, Shaman and Rogue too. I shall eventually get around to leveling and gearing etc on US AP, It's just every time I go to do it, I just end up logging onto my eu 20's. One day, one day...
IMO get a class that can interupt, feral does nice damage but cant CC or interupt
Aye I am probably going to go for a rogue. Seeing as they don't have vanish, if my arena partner were to full fear, would Shadowmelt (I believe that's what the n.elf racial is called) stealth work? just curious so I can sap out of fear.

Thanks for help :)

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