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  1. Feathered arrows!

    I hope you didn't roll your main on Horde side on AN, as it's dead. Pugs are unbelievably bad, AH is empty or stuff is overpriced (300% for herbs compared to a month back). Might change in Cata, but faction change seems to be a viable option now.
  2. Level one twinks - site!

    You missed the point. Weapon strategy bit is the same for mage, lock and priest, though it speaks of healing and priest mana regen. Also I doubt that it's important to any cloth user that they can obtain Sunstrider Axe, which they can't equip anyway.
  3. Level one twinks - site!

    Nice site. One question though: why caster guides speak of healing and how priests can regenerate mana?
  4. Darkspear Pride

    I want the achievement :( The "hardest" part of the event is being attacked by a level 7 tiger after your "vehicle" fades.
  5. Questions from a noob

    I only meant that I can't get Squealer's Belt to display at Chardev, since for whatever reason it's not listed in their DB, so I had to "equip" another belt. It seems that for melee fun I should roll a Rogue, a Warrior or a Paladin, but not a Shaman.
  6. Questions from a noob

    It seems to me that an optimal choice for a caster shaman (without an off-hand) is to use Bloodied Arcanite Reaper since it has 1 critical strike rating on it and because you can pop +20 haste on it, while Repurposed Lava Dredger has no stats on it that benefit a caster. What is better to put...
  7. Questions from a noob

    OK, cheers. I will look into gear later today then.
  8. Frenzy - Oracle faction lvl-70 epic trinkets

    You only get reputation from doing dailies. You can only start doing dailies after you're done with the intro chain, which starts at level 77.
  9. Questions from a noob

    Profile at Couldn't find Squealer's Belt, so had to use Animal Skin Belt instead (2 extra armor). Let's assume I'm a caster, not a melee shaman. I have a question about the weapon though: is it worth using Grand Staff of Jordan with +22 Intellect over Repurposed Lava Dredger with...
  10. Questions from a noob

    As I said, I wasn't able to link a profile at the moment I was posting. Will fix that in the future of course, as it is much easier to "read" a character sheet than that list of mine. Don't think that Rockbiter stacks with other temporary enchants. Same class of enchants, so it's either it or...
  11. Questions from a noob

    BoA chest has 1 AGI on it and 3 AP. With +4 stats on it that's 8 more MAP from 4 STR and 4 AGI. In terms of MAP, it's the same as Haliscan Jacket (12 MAP from 6 STR and 6 AGI). However, 6 AGI on Haliscan Jacket also gives higher melee critical strike chance. How come BoA is better then? Unless...
  12. Questions from a noob

    Thanks for a swift reply. The reason why I picked up Mining is that I didn't want to stack Stamina gear just to walk around the world, so I've decided that an extra 50 HP I get from mining saves me from getting one of the +X Stamina / +X Health enchants on one of the pieces of gear. Lifeblood...
  13. Questions from a noob

    Hello! I bet those questions have been asked countless times in the past, but after browsing several pages I still haven't found answers that I was looking for. I've started a level 1 twink last night. It's an orc shaman (I know, obviously not the best choice). Can't link you any sort...