Search results

  1. PTR: Enti nerfed | ZF Mallet requires level 35 | Gathering unchanged

    I'm sure most 19 Twinks not playing a warrior will love this: Enti's Quenched Sword got nerfed on the ptr: If you were living under a rock the past few weeks you can check my previous post about Enti to find out why it needed a nerf. The Mallet of of Zul'Farrak is an actual weapon now...
  2. PTR Build 9704

    </p> Updates will follow as soon as possible. I'll obviously focus on changes to enchants. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed!</p> Click here to view the article
  3. PTR Build 9704 || Exploits fixed || Enchants aren't changed, yet.

      </p> The exploited TBC head/shoulder enchants still worked on the previous PTR Build, but it's fixed now. The Kirin'Tor head enchant got fixed as well:</p> </p> The normal enchants aren't changed yet:</p> </p> All the other 'nerfs' (Naxx, Nethercleft...) from the previous...
  4. Librams now require lvl 50 - You heard it here first!

    Leg Armor, Naxx... And more bad news for the 39'ers out there. The Jewelcrafting trinkets previously didn't require Jewelcrafting, you could simply craft them and drop JC'ing to free up a profession slot, this has also been fixed: <h1>Enchants</h1> I checked most pre-tbc and tbc...
  5. Don't forget to Shake Your Bunny-Maker!

    For those of you who missed it, Twink Info is challenging you during the Noblegarden event. It's about to start soon so go here to find out about the contest. Click here to view the article
  6. Noblegarden Guide | Horde

    You can get the title in about three hours, depending on your realm population and the lack of female dwarves or trolls ;) Before you start, make sure your hearthstone is set to Dalaran. It's not really a requirement, but it'll make the process a lot easier for you. Brightly Colored Eggs can...
  7. Scopes fixed soon?

    Thanks to Mummified for bringing this up on the forum! Click here to view the article
  8. PTR Build 9722

    </p> The EU PTR's have been offline all night so I wasn't able to check for changes. According to Rip -he checked the US PTR - nothing has changed though. </p> Click here to view the article
  9. Two more winners will be picked!

    Due to the timezone difference I'll accept two more winners. The reason Dora was first is because he's playing on the oceanic servers, those are set to GMT+11 I believe.</p> I'll pick one US winner (non-oceanic) and one EU winner. And EU players, you're competing vs yours truly ;) Happy...
  10. Can someone please tell me....

    Yeah, the system's still a bit wacky.
  11. ALL MoP GEAR (new items and granfathered) - By Jarex

    Just so everyone knows, notoriousthf has Jarex's permission to use his content.
  12. Every1 open up a ticket

    Sweet. I was beginning to doubt myself :D Are there 9 days in a week on Azeroth? :p
  13. Every1 open up a ticket

    If your item has a 1% chance of dropping from the boss, then it will still have a 1% chance to drop the second time you kill the boss. What you can say is that the probability of the item dropping within two kills (with a 1% drop rate) equals 1.9%.
  14. Every1 open up a ticket

    It makes sense, and I took that into account in my formula. I still don't see how it's incorrect :p
  15. Every1 open up a ticket

    I didn't add up though. I figured this formula would give the correct number: 1 - ( ( 1 - x ) ^ y ) x: the drop rate percentage y: total number of dailies done 1 day: 1 - ( ( 1 - 1% ) ^ 5 ) 60 days: 1 - ( ( 1 - 1% ) ^ 300 ) I never took a probability course, but I'd imagine this...
  16. Every1 open up a ticket

    Care to elaborate? I was/am pretty confident :p
  17. Every1 open up a ticket

    The item will be good for the bracket. Since you can do 5 fishing dailies per day, most twinks will get their hat eventually... Provided you do the five dailies every day starting from day 1, this is the chance the hat has dropped by day XX: (assuming it has a 1% drop chance again) Day...
  18. 39 Rogue Guide

    I'll give it a go for sure, but I'm planning to play in other brackets too this expansion :)
  19. 39 Rogue Guide

    I'll be updating this guide a good month into Cataclysm, stay tuned! :)
  20. 39 Blackout EU - The Info thread

    Yup, I unlocked it in case you wanted to turn it into a guild directory of some sorts, but I guess a new topic would serve that purpose better.