39 Rogue Guide

Twinkurface said:
They wouldnt something like green lens of stamina be more beneficial then miner's helm?
Yeah Sta lens is awsome, but super super rare since you cant craft the stats verisons (sta included) anymore.
elocon said:
Yeah Sta lens is awsome, but super super rare since you cant craft the stats verisons (sta included) anymore.

funny thing is theres one on my server's ah, but the dude wants 75k for it. I dont care how rare it is its not worth that much (is it?)
imperfect stam lens i would pay around ~15,000g for it. perfect i'd pay anywhere from 20,000 to 25,000G
If you really want a good stam headpiece you could also go for that "new" Kalu'ak Fishing derby hat with 40 stamina.
Easier than crafting a Stamina-lens nowadays though.
Ok another question. Gloves of holy might or Revelosh's Gloves of the Monkey? I found some gloves for 350g and wondering if they worth getting
Thanks for answering all my questions, here is a contribution i stumbled upon today

[item=]Tumultuous Necklace[/item]

[item=]Vigorous Handguards[/item]

[item=]Tumultuous Ring[/item]

[item=]Vigorous Spaulders[/item]

I dont know about the neck or ring, but the vigorous gloves of the monkey and shoulders of the monkey are clearly better then revaloshes and are ilevel 35 so they are BC enchantable and are easier to get IMO. Would love to hear if any of the necks or rings are BiS
The neck and the hands is pretty good, only problem is you only get them from satchel loot when your level 24-34 soo a twink thats already 39 cant get them.

The soulders is +0-1 agi +19ap -9-10 sta soo it depends on how you rate your stats but I whould go for revelosh.

The ring is pretty much one of the best rings.
elocon said:
The neck and the hands is pretty good, only problem is you only get them from satchel loot when your level 24-34 soo a twink thats already 39 cant get them.

The soulders is +0-1 agi +19ap -9-10 sta soo it depends on how you rate your stats but I whould go for revelosh.

The ring is pretty much one of the best rings.

O now i see, i didnt notice the base +10 stam on revelosh. So i guess revelosh shoulders and gloves are still good in that regard. As far as the ring goes would you say its worth picking up the bandit one and dropping the legeonaires band? Also is the neck of the bandit better then the medal of courage. Lastly should i be getting of the monkey or of the bandit

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