Every1 open up a ticket

In Cataclysm the weather beaten fishing hat is going to be much easier to get cause its going to be a Org/SW fishing daily so no lets keep that hat :p
I would rather make forum post and open up tickets regarding the problem with low level resilience.
Let me get this right....

Rogues with ridiculously OP moves

Hunters getting disengage and pets with abilities that could make a whole new class (BEAST MAN..you know you would roll one)

AP scaling causing burst to be 90% of wsg nowadays

Warriors able to crit 1.5k

Hunters being able to crit 900 while never being OOM

Paladins with enough skills to outlast 3 dps

Resilience being buffed to the extent; people stop bothering trying to kill 10s and now start bitching about them

Moves moved above the 19 section causing playstyles to be 2 hit HURPDURP caveman style fighting

And you want to log a ticket to remove the hat because your fc's / You cba to try rng it yourself?
curleypwnsu said:
3 biggest problems imo come cata disengage hunters, resilience, and this hat

1. Stop whining that other people put in the work to get the hat.

2. Put in the work to get the hat.

Pizza said:
I would rather make forum post and open up tickets regarding the problem with low level resilience.

Resilience has already been nerfed. Was seemed like a new buff with 4.0.3 was just a tooltip update.

Was in wsg just now on my lvl 10 hunter with 21 resilience and was getting crit for 300+. This is enough to make me killable without having to resort to 5+ players.

As for the high damage output that is being fixed in 4.0.3a where nearly all ability's get a reduced AP/SP coefficient.

And WBFH yes it needs a level requirement again.
examinerEU said:
Let me get this right....

Rogues with ridiculously OP moves

Hunters getting disengage and pets with abilities that could make a whole new class (BEAST MAN..you know you would roll one)

AP scaling causing burst to be 90% of wsg nowadays

Warriors able to crit 1.5k

Hunters being able to crit 900 while never being OOM

Paladins with enough skills to outlast 3 dps

Resilience being buffed to the extent; people stop bothering trying to kill 10s and now start bitching about them

Moves moved above the 19 section causing playstyles to be 2 hit HURPDURP caveman style fighting

And you want to log a ticket to remove the hat because your fc's / You cba to try rng it yourself?

I second all of that. On my pally, which had like BiS 18 gear while leveling to 19 through normal BGs, I got bored so used the slow npc walk to cap the flag. Yep both tunnels and the mid, I had 5 horde attacking me, yet I could heal through them and never oom. I don't want pallies nerfed, but I know they need to be : /
Damage in 4.03a will still be higher than has traditionally been the case in the bracket. We need more health to damp down the burst. This hat gives that. What is the problem?
WBFH idc about the work it will be stupid with fc with like 3.5k in bear and they reduced nearly every1s damage
The item will be good for the bracket. Since you can do 5 fishing dailies per day, most twinks will get their hat eventually...

Provided you do the five dailies every day starting from day 1, this is the chance the hat has dropped by day XX: (assuming it has a 1% drop chance again)

Day 01: 4.9%

Day 10: 39%

Day 30: 78%

Day 60: 95%

So after two months there's only a 5% chance that the hat hasn't dropped for you.
curleypwnsu said:
WBFH idc about the work it will be stupid with fc with like 3.5k in bear and they reduced nearly every1s damage

Dont be stupid the bracket need this stamina boost ffs.
Ishh said:
The item will be good for the bracket. Since you can do 5 fishing dailies per day, most twinks will get their hat eventually...

Provided you do the five dailies every day starting from day 1, this is the chance the hat has dropped by day XX: (assuming it has a 1% drop chance again)

Day 01: 4.9%

Day 10: 39%

Day 30: 78%

Day 60: 95%

So after two months there's only a 5% chance that the hat hasn't dropped for you.

Don't think that's how percents work my friend. ;)
Quinp said:
Dont be stupid the bracket need this stamina boost ffs.

Ok if you are going to argue for the hat then you need to define your terms. "The bracket," does not mean a lucky few who will be starting out with this hat right away. Leg enchants taken away in BC represents a bracket change...this does not.
Ishh said:
Care to elaborate? I was/am pretty confident :p

proper way is to multiply it, not just add it up, not sure how you did it. cba figuring it myself
Kristopher said:
Ok if you are going to argue for the hat then you need to define your terms. "The bracket," does not mean a lucky few who will be starting out with this hat right away. Leg enchants taken away in BC represents a bracket change...this does not.

everything is so damn bursty these days so the stamina from that hat would be cool.

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