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  1. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    Lolz. I've finally decided I'm done with 70 arena. Its unbalanced as shit post 4.0. My 2's partner is going 85 to do arena with my 85 rogue, and I'll just stick to a bg every now and then on Mulciber. Finally decided that healers who can 3 shot me with none of my Cd's up really gets old...
  2. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    You do realize Qtea is a 4 time glad right?
  3. 70 bracket dying slowly

    It would seem the que system is still slightly bugged where its taking longer to gather the 70s to place them in Bgs. Because I know me and my guild que 10 at a time usually.
  4. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    We got some going on ruin, and according to my REAL ID, stormstrike has some too. I assume vengeance has some as well.
  5. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    You can get the tabard of brute force. Not sure about the wrathful yet. Edit: yes you can, I just checked the vendor. No level requirement. So you can purchase at 70.
  6. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    Actually I thought CST was ahead of EST. :X That would put me at 11pm EST my time for the start. Which i cannot make since I am 17 and this would be a school night. I'm down for pretty much any day but they need to be earlier for the weekdays. Weekends are different. ;o
  7. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    I'll ask the squad!
  8. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    Oh don't worry, we're going to push 2300. :)
  9. Rogue Specs at 70?

    Mut is bursty in arena but you lack mobility. Especially is you're running a double dps comp. But stay away from combat, its terribad. Atleast from my tests and what not.
  10. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    heh, just armory'd you. #1 for your battlegroup. Heh, we have something in common. :P
  11. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    Precisely, which is why judging a guild by saying there are some less than pro players in there is stupid. Which is levaquin fails. lmfao.
  12. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    I love you xD I laughed so hard when I read this and I realized that I typed IP. heheheh. IQ*. Sorry xD
  13. Soberlol returns.

    Soberrrrr <33333333
  14. <Enfeeble> Now accepting skilled 19s!

    bumpssssssss :0
  15. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    Also, yes we'd love to schedule some R BG's. We constantly have 15+ 70s on with no guilds to fight. :) On a side note, I recommend you watch your horrible trolling. Its highly immature and reflects your playing abilities. I don't remember doing anything wrong to you, so chill out. Its very...
  16. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    Crutching on the class... right. Okay bud. Wow your IP is less than I thought, by no raids I mean 70 only raids. We still pug Sunwell / BT / KT with 85s every week to gear our members. Herp a derp. And I could finish off my engineering but just don't really feel like it. Been saving...
  17. <Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild

    once again the top. my new twink expansion seems to slowly but surely be working
  18. <Enfeeble> Accepting 39s!

    to the topppsoorrzzzzzz
  19. <Enfeeble> Now accepting skilled 19s!

    Read above :3
  20. (US) <Enfeeble> Accepting 29s!

    US good sir.